Food & Health – 1st Quarter 2018

January 1, 2018

Signed by the Governor: Florida Law Expands Healthcare Freedom
Tenth Amendment Center | 27 March 2018

Rural hospital shutdowns force communities to take care of their own
CNBC | 25 March 2018

Solari Food Series – Dr. Miguel Altieri: Father of Modern Agroecology
Solari | March 22 2018

Only crazy people drink raw milk?
Jon Rappoport | 21 March 2018

Trump calls for death penalties for drug dealers as focus of opioids plan
The Guardian | 19 March 2018

Top Two Houston Steers Sell for $776,000; Reserve Sets World Record
Drovers | 19 March 2018

Drug stocks dive as Trump says he’s considering suing drugmakers over opioid crisis
CNBC | 19 March 2018

10,000 more people than expected died at the beginning of the year in the UK – and no one really knows why
Independent | 15 March 2018 ​​

Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study
CBC | 14 March 2018

A Chapter a Day – Association of Book Reading with Longevity
National Center for Biotechnology Information | 01 September 2016

The Life-Changing Magic Of Having Marie Kondo Organize Your Office
Fast Company | 11 May 2015
2015 “It’s important to say…”

The End of the Road: In a typical year, dairy farmers get only 11 cents…
Two Sparrows Farm | 15 March 2018

GMO Scrapbook: No Sooner Said Than Done: India Slashes IG…
Giza Death Star | 15 March 2018

Vaccines, cancer and autism: Could a massive Big Pharma cover-up be behind mysterious deaths of holistic doctors?
Natural News | 14 March 2018

Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study
CBC | 14 March 2018

The deeper reason for drug ads on television
Jon Rappoport | 11 March 2018

Health Symptoms from All Wireless Devices
Stop the Crime | 09 March 2018

GMO Geopolitics: Russian Agriculture Tops Its Arms Trade as a Major…
Giza Death Star | 08 March 2018

Shocking Victory for Proponents of Alternative Medicine
Jon Rappoport | 08 March 2018

Religious discrimination lawsuit claims mandatory flu shot caused woman ‘severe emotional distress’
Yahoo | 07 March 2018

Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell
YouTube | 28 November 2011

The Silicon Valley Elite’s Latest Status Symbol: Chickens
Washington Post | 02 March 2018

A sense of community may be the best medicine
Tree Hugger | 28 February 2018

Another Missing Doctor, and this Time, Vaccines are Involved
Giza Death Star | 28 February 2018

Whole Foods and Amazon in Heated Debate Over Stocking Shelves with Non-organic Products
Yahoo | 28 February 2018

World famous psychiatrist says: more psychiatric drug treatment means more mass shootings will happen
Jon Rappoport | 27 February 2018

Apple is launching medical clinics to deliver the ‘world’s best health care experience’ to its employees
CNBC | 27 February 2018

Iowa House Passes Bill to Expand Healthcare Freedom
Tenth Amendment Center | 26 February 2018

Utah Senate Passes Bill to Expand Raw Milk Sales; Important Step to Nullify Federal Prohibition Scheme
Tenth Amendment Center | 26 February 2018

It’s official – teens diagnosed with MS after Gardasil vaccines
Nexus News Feed | 25 February 2018

One Million Kids Under Age 6 on Psychiatric Drugs
Nexus News Feed | 24 February 2018

South Carolina House Unanimously Passes Bill to Expand Healthcare Freedom
Tenth Amendment Center | 16 February 2018

10 American Foods That Are Already Banned in Other Countries
YouTube | 03 March 2015

FOX: MISSING: CDC doctor (and Harvard grad) disappears “Without A Trace” (dog, wallet, phone left behind)
Health Nut News | 20 February 2018

A Precautionary Tale: How One Small Town Banned Pesticides, Preserved Its Food Heritage, and Inspired a Movement
Independent Science News | February 2018

Related Epidemics? Teen Mental Health Crisis & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
World Mercury Project | 14 February 2018

Mass sterilization of millions of African girls through tetanus vaccine scandal broadens as Kenyan laboratory attacked
Nexus News Feed | 12 February 2018

Green Fields Farm – Our Story
GFF Texas | February 2018

Vimeo | December 2017

I Thrive: Diabetes Documentary Main Trailer FEB 2018 V1

YouTube | February 2018
Live February 27th…

How to Kill 300,000 Americans with Opioids
Austrian Economic Blogs | 17 February 2018

The Promise of Indoor, Hurricane-Proof ‘Vertical’ Farms
The Atlantic | 15 February 2018

99.6% of Germans are Contaminated with the Herbicide Glyphosate
Health Impact News | 15 February 2018

Autism now 1 in 36: New catastrophic rate ignored so far
Autism Action Network | February 2018

America Taking Action to End the Autism Epidemic
Autism Action Network | 12 February 2018

Vaccine Meta-Analysis and “Unknown Etiologies”
Giza Death Star | 12 February 2018

Former Medical Director of Cleveland Clinic Speaks Out After Being Fired for Questioning Flu Vaccine
Vaccine Impact | 07 February 2018

YouTube | 17 January 2018

About Mark and David Geier: Vaccines
Mark Geier Vaccines | February 2018

Dr. Mark Geier Wins Lawsuit Against Maryland Board of Physicians
Vaccine Impact | 07 February 2018
YouTube | 26 August 2013
2013 video…

Dengue Vaccine: A Clear Example of Why it Must be the Parent’s Choice
Vax Choice VT | 04 February 2018

The prospect of Amazon’s entry is a spur to a massive deal in health care
Economist | 07 December 2017

ER Doctor Refuses Flue Shot
YouTube | 01 November 2017
From last early this flu season…

Neuropsychiatrist Discovers Telepathic Abilities In Autistic Children & Films It On Camera
Collective-evolution | 26 January 2018

The Truth About Vaccines is a 7-episode documentary series. Register to see series FREE – Jan 25th – 31st
The Truth about Vaccines | 21 January 2018

Vaccine Skepticism In Australia Now Punishable By 10 Years In Jail
Australian National Review | 21 January 2018
YouTube | 2018
Register for series…

Secret Ingredients Trailer 2017
You Tube | 14 October 2017

Mad Cow disease: Is it really Manganese Madness?
Rumor Mill News | 22 January 2018

‘Police State’ Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status
Green Med Info | 21 January 2018

The Long-Term Care Crisis: Premiums Exploding, Leaving Seniors With “An Awful Choice”
Naked Capitalism | 18 January 2018

Massive flu outbreak? Here’s the real story the media won’t touch. The lies, the hoax, the scandal
Jon Rappoport | 16 January 2018

84th Holistic Doctor Found Murdered – Police Appeal For Witnesses
Yuor News Wire | 15 January 2017

How Feeling Bad Changes the Brain
BBC | 14 January 2018

Did the Food Pyramid Make Us Fat?

YouTube | 05 January 2018

Heavy Metals Summit: Learn how to overcome their influence and reclaim your health! January 29- Feb. 5th
Heavy Metals Summit | January 2017

Should I Get a Flu Shot? (and 9 Ways to Fight the Flu Naturally)
The Truth About Cancer | 14 January 2018

Rotten | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Netflix | 14 December 2017
Food Production Horror Show..

Monsanto Uses Codex to Hide GMOs from Consumers
National Health Federation | 09 January 2018
Monsatano Strikes Again…

JUSTICE #8695452 v2 Monsanto Xxxx PLD Complaint FINAL
Document Cloud | 00 January 2018
OR Sues Monsatano for PCB Contamination…

Here’s The Most Effective Way to Lose Weight With Minimal Effort, According to Science
Science Alert | 06 January 2018
Interesting Info..

Fake Plastic Rice Being Made in Vietnam Factory (Video)
Talk Network | 30 November 2017
Stranger than True….

Go To:December 2017

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