Unanswered Questions – 4th Quarter 2018

Ben Lizardi
October 1, 2018

Video: Class Action Lawsuit for Targeted Individuals
Bitchute | 02 May 2018

Video: Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory “Brain Invaders” Season 3 Episode 8 – 12/17/2012
Bitchute | 13 March 2018

2005: The Mineta Testimony: 9/11 Commission Exposed
911 Truth | 22 July 2005

2014: JFK Assassination – LBJ & Hoover Discuss JFK Murder Phone Conversation | Rare

Assassination of JFK | 05 February 2014

Spectacular Light Show In Kenner Louisiana – You Have to see this!

Victurus Libertas VLTV | 28 December 2018

Mysterious Blue Flash Lights Up NYC Skies – NO, NOT ALIENS

Victurus Libertas VLTV | 28 December 2018
More in Science category

New Yorkers Fear ‘Alien Invasion’ After Mysterious Blue Light Floods City Skyline
Zero Hedge | 28 December 2018

2013: Paul Root Wolpe: Kurzweil’s Singularity Prediction is Wrong (YouTube Geek Week!)

Big Think | 06 August 2013

Jian Liang Wall Street Insider’s Absolute Mind Control Testimony 19 Dec 2018

WhyIsThisTrue? | 24 December 2018

Paradise # 44 ~ TWO Veteran Fire Captains SPEAK OUT @ CA Fires w/ Supposedly Shelly
aplanetruth.info | 21 December 2018

Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation
Coreys Digs | 20 December 2018

FACT CHECK: 29 Scientists Killed by AI Robots in Japan
Earn The Necklace | 19 December 2018

The United States are preparing a war between Latin-American states
Voltairenet | 18 December 2018

Arkansas Swamp Bleeds as Clintons Circle The Drain
Coreys Digs | 24 November 2018

Those Nevada Air Force Drills: Who’s the Target?
Giza Death Star | 17 December 2018

UFO MYSTERIES | An In-Depth Exploration

Mouthy Buddha | 20 December 2018
Here comes the “Alien Threat”???

Is The Clinton Foundation Under Investigation?

Black Pilled | 14 December 2018

Dustin Nemos & Ginny Silcox on DE Weaponry and the State of the Tech

Dustin Nemos2 | 12 December 2018

Remember that General’s “Little Green Men”
Giza Death Star | 11 December 2018

Radar mystery hasn’t been solved yet | Webb
Courier Press | 11 December 2018

“This Planet will be Theirs.”David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. Dec. 10, 2018

Richard Dolan Show | 10 December 2018

ON THE GROUND in California Directed Energy Weapon PROOF
RichieFromBoston | 07 December 2018

Operation “Timber Sycamore” continues
Voltairenet | 14 December 2018

Freak Firestorms & Fall of Phaeton / Hyakutake to Hendaye -Cosmography101-4.3 w/ Randall Carlson ’06

GeoCosmic REX | 07 December 2018

The Mysterious Hidden Letter from Bush funeral Was also Given to few Others

MOST NEWS | 08 December 2018

The relationship between George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and America’s biggest drug importer
Undernews | 08 December 2018

What in the world really happened at the Bush funeral?
State of the Nation | 08 December 2018

The Clover Chronicle | 05 December 2018

What Was In The Mystery Envelopes That Hillary, Biden And Pence Received At Bush’s Funeral?
The Daily Coin | 08 December 2018

Clinton Foundation ‘Pay to Play’ Model Under Investigation [Infographic]
The Epoch Times | 05 December 2018

Conga Lines Of USAF Airlifters Filled The Night Sky Across U.S. For Joint Forcible Entry Drill
The Drive | 08 December 2018

No foul play suspected in deaths of two workers U.S. research station in Antarctica
Reuters | 13 December 2018

2 technicians killed at Antarctica science station
AP News | 12 December 2018

BOMBSHELL: Evidence of 9/11 Controlled Demolition to go before Special Grand Jury
DC Clothesline | 04 December 2018

2015: Is Reality a Hologram?
Uplift Connect | 06 August 2015

Paradise Lost # 20 ~ @ 50,000 Murdered !!!…A Matter of Genocide; Copy and Share

Aplanetruth | 03 December 2018

REALIST NEWS – Did you see Jeb Bush’s Reaction during the funeral when reading note from Laura Bush?
jsnip4 | 03 December 2018

The Dan Bongino Show: Ep. 863 It’s About To Hit The Fan – In this episode I address the scandalous connections between the players in the Uranium One scandal and the recent actions by the Mueller witch-hunt team
Sound Cloud | 03 December 2018

TW: I Don’t Think Donald Trump Is Here to Save the Children (Mk Ultra Survivor Speaks)
Katy Groves | 26 August 2018

Paradise Lost #16 ~ PT. 1; “THIS IS MASS MURDER” …The Victims Speak Out and Share Their Stories

Aplanetruth | 01 December 2018

Repost from 2016: David Icke Exposes George H W Bush

David Icke| 04 December 2016

“Too Perfect to be Natural”: Those Strange Seismic Waves
Giza Death Star | 05 December 2018


The Real MLordandGod | 04 December 2018

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! – Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger)

World Alternative Media | 01 December 2018

Lawyers Committee for 9-11 Inquiry | December 2018

From 1992: The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 1 of 2

Alternative View TV | 31 March 2011

From 1992: The Mafia, CIA and Bush Senior – Pete Brewton, Author, Journalist (1992) Part 2 of 2

Alternative View TV | 31 March 2011

From 1988: WAR on DRUGS reality: Former CIA case officer John R. Stockwell REVEALS & views Elections (1988)

Alternative View TV | 10 March 2011

Paradise Lost # 11 ~ “Forest Fire” My Ass ~ This Is a Matter of Genocide

Aplanetruth| 26 November 2018

Repost of 2017 Video as background for Paradise Lost #11 Discussion above.
2017: Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of CA Fires

Aplenatruth | 03 November 2017

U.S. Attorney Takes First Step toward Prosecuting Explosive Destruction of World Trade Center on 9/11
AE911Truth | 27 November 2018

Visiting aircraft carrier suspected of causing electronic havoc
Asia Times | 24 November 2018

Scientists Suggest ‘Dimming The Sun’ to Solve Global Warming
Breitbart | 23 November 2018

Dan Bongino – Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History

TJ Singh | 22 November 2018

James & Joanne Moriarty – Liberated From Al Queda Prisoners in the United States

Jason Goodman | 18 November 2018

2018 11 18 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes | 17 November 2018

Irish Authorities Are Investigating After Multiple Pilots Report Strange UFO’s off Irish coast…

Destination Declassified | 16 November 2018

Global Climate Scandal: The CA Fires Are Caused By “Illegal And Ongoing Geoengineering”
SHTF plan | 14 November 2018

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW): Compilation of Videos, photos, links and stories
Chem Trail Planet | November 2018

Indications of nefarious testing at underground facility
Skyships over Cashiers | 14 November 2018

The Genocidal California Fire Operation

Terra Times | 11 November 2018

ENEMY @ THE FRONT DOOR: Fire at 3:44

SGT Report | 11 November 2018
2017: Rothschild & Co Names Homer Parkhill and Stephen Antinelli as Co-Heads of Restructuring in North America
PRN Newswire | 30 October 2017

Interstellar object may have been alien probe, Harvard paper argues, but experts are skeptical
CNN | 06 November 2018
Astronomers to Check Mysterious Interstellar Object for Signs of Technology
The Atlantic | 11 December 2017

Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands
Health Nut News | 05 November 2018

Steven M. Greer, founder of the ‘Disclosure Project’ exposes the secret plan and agenda of the hidden global elite to use advanced “man-made” technology to declare war on mankind’ under the ‘pretense’ of a threat from space

The Cosmic False Flag – Steven Greer | December 2018

China Boosts Antarctic Presence With Planned Permanent Airbase, Cites “Strategic Needs”
Zero Hedge | 01 November 2018

Will Bryan Singer’s Attempt To Preempt Esquire’s Expose Work?
Disobedient Media | 28 October 2018

MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul
Control In Government, Wall Street,And The Secret Space Program

Stop the Crime | October 2018

Georgia construction workers find roughly 1,000 human teeth hidden inside wall
Fox News | 31 October 2018

Bones Are Found in Rome, Renewing Speculation in 1983 Disappearance
NY Times | 31 October 2018

‘Whitey’ Bulger killed at federal prison in West Virginia
MSN | 30 October 2018

Panic, The Deep State Projection In Full Force, Anons Know Why – Episode 1699b
X22 Report | 25 October 2018

2016: A Brief History Of Arctic Angst
The GWPF | 21 November 2016

NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg In Antarctica As If It Was Deliberately Cut
Forbes | 22 October 2018

NWO Black Budget Exposed: $21 Trillion “Exchange Stabilization Fund”
News Paradigm | 21 October 2018

Audio: Earth Science: Scientists Discover a Weird Noise Coming From Antarctic Ice Shelf

Gizmodo | 16 October 2018

‘Very strange’: Mysterious bright purple sky sparks numerous conspiracy theories (VIDEO)

RT | 16 October 2018

2017: ‘Huge MISSILE hit the Pentagon on September 11’ Army General’s EXPLOSIVE claim resurfaces
Daily Star | 09 January 2017

Tom DeLonge denies To The Stars Academy is $37 million in debt
Alt Press | 15 October 2018

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Is $37.4 Million in Debt
Motherboard Vice | 15 October 2018

As U.S. Polls Tighten the Signs All Point to Hillary
Tom Luongo | 15 October 2018

Richard Dolan on UFOs and Nukes in U.S. History (Citizens Hearing) Recorded 4/30/2013

Richard Dolan| 14 October 2018

What exactly is this?’ Mysterious light is spotted in the night skies of China
Daily Mail | 12 October 2018

Colliding stars or alien solar sails? Detection rate of mysterious space signals doubles
RT | 11 October 2018

Do Mexico’s Cartels Have WMDs?
Disobedient Media | 10 October 2018

The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal

Truthstream Media | 10 October 2018

Globalist CFR: G9 Committee Must Save “World Order” From Trump
The New American | 09 October 2018

“Like A Ritz-Carlton Underground” – Paranoid Hampton Billionaires Build Luxury Panic Rooms Amid MS-13 Threat
Zero Hedge | 07 October 2018

Ret. Fire Captain John Lord ~ Reflections on the 1 yr. Anniversary of the NorCal Fires

aplanetruth.info | 04 October 2018

“No Plane hit the Pentagon” – Gen. Albert Stubblebine

NuoVisoCom | 13 September 2018

American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
UNZ | 10 September 2018

An Appeal to Patriots: It is my belief that Q is a…
Paste Bin | 10 August 2018

Walter Burien discusses governmental financial wrongdoing as exposed in CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) in 2012
CAFR1 | 12 August 2018
The Way it is – Corporatism and the TRFA
CAFR1 | 21 July 2018
The Big Picture of: “Government Wealth vs. Private Sector Wealth”
CAFR1 | 04 July 2018
The following is a sample listing of 2013 local government CAFRs
CAFR1 | 2018

Clinton Crime Family’s 50 Organizations: Tick Tock
Coreys Digs | 22 July 2018

The REAL Eyes Wide Shut

Jay Myers Documentaries | 15 July 2018

Q – The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles)

Storm Is Upon Us | 30 June 2018

Jon Wedger (ITNJ Seating): The International Tribunal for Natural Justice launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse at an inaugural seating in Westminster, London on April 16-18th 2018

International Tribunal for Natural Justice | 04 June 2018

Ronald Bernard ~ Fmr. Dutch Banker (ITNJ Seating)

International Tribunal for Natural Justice | 04 June 2018

The Clinton Body Count
Twitter | 02 June 2018

Hi-Tech War Crime Report (PDF)
Declassified Documents | 21 April 2018

Mueller’s History of Cover-Ups
DIg Within | 08 April 2018

The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA Camps

The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station | 21 March 2018

Could it be a REAL invisibility cloak? Chinese web users amazed by transparent cloth which makes a person disappear
Daily Mail | 08 December 2017

David James, Baron James of Blackheath
Wikipedia | November 2018

Giza Death Star | 31 July 2017

Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries – ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantean Gardens| 13 June 2016

Lord James of Blackheath Appears to be Quite Alive (according to the House of Lords Website)
Kauilapele | 05 March 2012

Lord James of Blackheath – 15 Trillion dollars and 750 thousand metric tonnes of gold 16th Feb 2012

billyboy212012 | 19 February 2012

Go To: Unanswered Questions – 3rd Quarter 2018

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