Unanswered Questions 2nd Quarter 2019

April 3, 2019

Ice Age Farmer | 01 June 2019

Adventures Unlimited | 27 June 2019

Rare public appearance: Mike Adams to be keynote speaker at upcoming GenSix “True Legends” conference in Branson, Missouri, with a final warning for humanity
MSN | 25 June 2019

SBS Dateline | 26 July 2016

Alfred Lambremont Webre | 24 June 2019

Dark Journalist | 24 June 2019

Justinian Deception | 19 June 2019

Insider – DARPA Conceived Facebook for Mind Control
Henry Makow | 16 June 2019

Trump: “I Think I Know” Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks
Zero Hedge | 17 June 2019

2016: Norway’s Stolen Children?

Richard Dolan | 06 June 2019

Use of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry for obtaining a lightened material
Google Patents | 00 June 2019

Man Stumbles Down Rabbit Hole And Finds 700-Year-Old Templar Cave
Anon News | 14 June 2019

Real Truth History Documentaries | 29 Mar 2019

Mind Media Works | 02 June 2019

YouTube is Flooded with Hardcore Sex Videos from Roblox, a Video Game for KIDS
Humans Are Free | 12 June 2019

Latest Solari Donation
About Jim Lee, “The ClimateViewer Guy”
Climate Viewer | 00 June 2019

Regina Meredith | 19 April 2019

Who Paid for WWII?
Paula Liebe | 10 June 2018

What was discussed at the Bilderberg Meetings?: Analysis
Daily News | 10 June 2018

The Alarming Case of the USAF’s Mysteriously Missing Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles
The Drive | 09 June 2019

Darpa can Exterminate Humanity:‘You could feasibly Wipe out the Human Race’
SHTF | 31 May 2019

Mysterious flashes of light observed on the moon’s surface
Metro UK | 31 May 2019

Fabio: Why California is falling apart

Fox News | 29 May 2019

Operation Charlemagne, The Silent Ones, and EyePyramid. Italy’s role in Framing Trump! #Spygate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT
Neon Revolt | 21 May 2019

s60 Mins Austrailia | June 13 2018

5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located
Humans Are Free | 26 May 2019

Is The MATRIX Cage Visible?
Event Horizon Chronicle | 23 May 2019

WNYC | 5 November 2007

G. Edward Griffin | 21 May 2019

Ice Age Farmer | 04 May 2019

PowerfulJRE | 06 May 2019

Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the Holocaust was a Jewish fraud.
Club Intelligence Poland | 02 February 2019

Secret U.S. missile reportedly can kill terrorist targets without an explosion and with minimized collateral damage
Market Watch | 16 May 2019

Christ-like figure appears in clouds over Argentina sparking religious frenzy
(Shades of Project Blue Beam?) The Sun UK | 15 May 2019

Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases
Lew Rockwell | 15 May 2019

RIP Stanton Friedman
Coast to Coast AM | 14 May 2019

It’s Not Just Trump: Nuke Near-Misses Happen Too Often
Who What Why | 14 May 2019

Dark Journalist | 10 May 2019

Italian Secret Agent Found Suspiciously Dead In Paris Hotel; Had Encrypted Key, Classified Docs
Zero Hedge | 08 May 2019

SBS Dateline |NOTE: 28 February 2012

Three Graces Press | 24 December 2018

Three Graces Press | 26 January 2019

Tony Heller | 10 April 2019

Oxford Don ET Interbreeding with Humans
Giza Death Star | 06 May 2019

1John2V27 | 22 May 2016

Albert Nerenberg| 05 May 2019

Grand Solar Minimum News | 26 April 2019

Dark Journalist | 27 April 2019

Truth Warriors | 26 October 2018

Hybrid Theory Oxford University professor claims aliens are already breeding with humans on earth
The Sun UK | 27 April 2019

Frustrated pilots got Navy to stop dismissing UFO sightings
The Inquirer | 24 April 2019

Israel Has Back Door on All Microsoft Devices
Veterans Today | 20 April 2019

A Plane Truth | 16 April 2019

Martin Pall: “End of Humanity in Five to Seven Years”
Digital Survivor | 15 April 2019

Saving Syria’s Children: Did The BBC Lie?
Indiegogo | 00 April 2019

The Juice Media | 15 April 2019
(WARNING: Explicit Language and very funny)

Dahboo777 | 13 April 2019

Aplanetruth | 08 April 2016

DNASA Warns: ‘Catastrophic’ Supervolcano Poses Bigger Threat The Mankind Than Asteroid
SHTF Plan | 08 April 2019

Seattle City Light CEO: Inspections offered no signs that 26 wooden power poles might break
Seattle Times | 07 April 2013 (Note 2013 Date)

Simon Parker | 03 April 2019

Special Reports 2019 | 03 April 2019

Christ Church How They Did It.
Surviving the Matrix | 30 March 2019

Russia’s fourth-richest woman killed in mystery plane crash in Germany
Inverse | 02 April 2019

A Real World ‘Star Trek’ Replicator Is Now Possible Thanks To New Breakthrough
Forbes | 09 March 2019

The Next Disaster: What would happen if the Old River Control Structure at the head of the Atchafalaya River were to collapse?
Country Roads Magazine | 23 February 2017

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