Unanswered Questions – 2nd Quarter 2018

April 1, 2018

Has ET Gone Home? UFO Sightings Slump
Zero Hedge | 29 June 2018

The Supreme Court Just Destroyed the Economy in the Hunt for Taxes
Armstrong Economics | 25 June 2018

Much More MAGA: Supreme Court Greenlights Trump To Remove Liberal Federal Judges Appointed Unconstitutionally By Senior Executive Service
Rumormill News | 24 June 2018

Ominous UFO-like cloud identified as rare “roll cloud”
CBS News | 24 June 2018

Katie Arrington, congressional hopeful who defeated Mark Sanford, seriously injured in car crash
NBC News | 23 June 2018
Katie Arrington Barely Survives Head-on Collision…There are billions of dollars at stake
The Conservative Tree House | 23 June 2018

Nasrallah: Israel does NOT control America

YouTube | 22 June 2018

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 6-18-18… “Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent”
Kauilapeles Blog | 21 June 2018

The Antarctica Strangeness List Just Became Even Stranger
Giza Death Star | 19 June 2018

CIA Agent Gives Sworn Statement: ‘We Brought Down The Twin Towers On 9/11’
This Boss | 13 June 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Bourdain Interviewed Elon Musk, Was Planning To Pull A Kanye West

YouTube | 08 June 2018

Anthony Bourdain Found Dead, Exposed Clintons, Weinstein, Deep State

YouTube | 08 June 2018

DARPA’s Transhumanist Plans
Giza Death Star | 08 June 2018

Another “conspiracy theory” no one wanted to believe, exposed by a US senator’s livestream. US senator shows closed stores as immigration facilities.
Info Wars | 08 June 2018

What You Need To Know About Anthony Bourdain’s Mysterious Death
Infowars | 08 June 2018

YouTube | 08 June 2018

Senator Denied Entry at Brownsville Detention Center

YouTube | 04 June 2018

What’s the Vatican Doing At Bilderberg, Detained 2x’s

YouTube | 07 June 2018
Meeting at (Shroud of) Turin…the cultural hub of northern Italy.

66th Bilderberg Meeting
Bilderberg Meetings | June 2018

Animation: Population by Region (1950-2100)
Visual Capitalist | June 2018

Skydiving Leak Project Tour

YouTube |2018

Mystery Booms Heard Across Pennsylvania Continue To Baffle FBI, Local Authorities
Zero Hedge | 31 May 2018

Deagel Compiled: United States Data Charts 2017 and Forecast 2025
Deagel | 05 June 2018

The United States of Bitcoin: Blockchainist Paper #1
Medium | 02 May 2018

Bizarre diamond-shaped ‘UFO’ in Yakutia

YouTube | July 2017

UFO Digest | 29 May 2018

A conversation with Ex … Insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone

YouTube | 02 May 2018
“The four dimensions are based on…”


Project Camelot YouTube | 29 May 2018

US aircraft carrier was ‘stalked for days by a UFO’, leaked Pentagon report reveals
NZ Herald | 28 May 2018

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline: The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis | 2018

2016: Extinction Level Threat – Mind-control: the Missing Link
Veterans Today | 22 September 2016

Jeff Rense & Brendan O’Connell – Engineering Central Control
YouTube | 26 May 2018

12 Indications That The Next Major Global Economic Crisis Could Be Just Around The Corner
Zero Hedge | 26 May 2018

Subtropical Storm Alberto forms in the Gulf of Mexico

YouTube | 25 May 2018
Remember Katrina…

Infamous Curse Haunts Man Who Stole Rock from Sacred Site
Touropia | 24 May 2018

Martin Armstrong – Rates are Going to Jump to 10% Instantaneously

YouTube | 19 May 2018
Mentioned in Money and Markets comments…

MH370 captain ‘deliberately evaded radar’ during final moments of doomed flight
Telegraph | 14 May 2018

2016: David Irving – Jailed and Beaten For Telling Truth of 2nd World War

YouTube | 08 October 2016

The Joint Investigation:Directed Energy Weapons, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption
Joint Investigation | May 2018

UFO: Breaking News on AATIP: Paul Dean Strikes Again!
Richard Dolan Members | 29 April 2018
Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP)

Anonymous – The beginning of something terrible… (Donald Trump War Conflict TRUTH)

YouTube | 22 April 2018

The Global Neutrino Network (and resource link)
Tyler.team | 18 February 2018

YouTube | 19 January 2018
Neutrino Networks and the Planetary Quantum Computing Environment

Sean Hannity: 400% rise in eviction orders since host bought Georgia apartment complex
The Guardian | 27 April 2018

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

YouTube | 26 April 2018

‘Nobody’s seen anything like this’: 10 dead, 15 injured in north Toronto van ramming attack
CBC | 23 April 2018

Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Dead at 42: Second Amendment Proponent, Criticized Marjory Stoneman’s Gun Control Cavalcade
Memory Hole Blog | 09 April 2018

The dark cult with billionaires, stars, and allegations of sex slavery
NY Post | 27 Marh 2018

Coalition on Political Assasinations: JFK Video
Ratical | 2009

The Hope In Confronting The Unspeakable In the Assassination of President Kennedy
Ratical | 27 January 2017
by Jim Douglass

Dark Journalist & Joseph Farrell X Series VII: The Orphic Circle Plato Mysteries & the UFO File!

YouTube | 20 April 2018
Even mentions Rudolph Steiner in early 35 minutes…

Hong Kong Bookseller Disappears
South China Morning Post | 18 April 2018

May 8, 2009: David Long, 9/11 Eyewitness

YouTube | 01 October 2011

JFK and Lincoln Assassinations: Why You should always do what Your Secretary Says
Cheat Sheet | 10 April 2018

2016: NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals
Waking Times | 07 April 2016

The military’s run of fatal accidents: Coincidence, or crisis?
Washington Examiner | 08 April 2018

Corsi Exposes Truth | Trump Recruited by Military!!!

YouTube | 11 April 2018

What is Israël’s project in Argentina?
Voltairenet | 12 December 2017

Is the USAF controlling the WEATHER? Frenzy as bizarre glow spotted during Texas storm
Daily Star | 10 April 2018 ​ ​

Israel’s Operation Shekhinah: Why America Fought Iraq
Op Deep State | 23 September 2018

Massive Submerged Entrance Found off California Coast
The Event Chronicle | 24 May 2014
From 2014

Hi-Tech War Crime Report for Congress & The Trump Administration
Universal Aspects | 07 April 2018

Remote Neural Monitoring & Prompting – The Most Complete Picture To Date – April 2018
Minds | 06 April 2018

Deadly Thunderbirds Crash Marks 4th Military Aircraft Incident this Week
CBS News | 05 April 2018

Jeff & Karin Smith – The Only Hope For SA Whites To Stop Blacks From Killing Them All

YouTube | 04 April 2018

Baiting the Bear
Lame Cherry | 04 April 2018

Santa Rosa Fires: Those First 24 Hours – Video
KIE | 04 April 2018
Hurrican gust came through the Napa Valley…in my lifetime…

Q Anon: What’s the real deal?
State of the Nation | 31 March 2018
An Excellent Comment…

Is Unusual Low Magnetic Field in South Africa Linked to Future Magnetic Reversal? — Audio Interview
Earthfiles | 31 March 2018

Q Anon’s March Madness a Success, Deep State Sh*tting Itself
Before Its News | 30 March 2018

Dot Connecting Our TechnoEnslavement; Foxconn, RFID, Blockchain, AI, Bitcoin

YouTube | 28 March 2018
One World…

The Unsolved Murder of Michael Hastings
YouTube | 26 December 2017

Why The Cops Won’t Help You When You’re Getting Stabbed

YouTube | 30 October 2017

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

YouTube | 15 December 2011

Go To: Unanswered Questions – 1st Quarter 2018

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