Special Report: Reset in Ukraine, Part 2 with Karel van Wolferen

Justin Woods
April 29, 2022
Solari North American Video Server (European Mirror)
Special Report: Reset in Ukraine, Part 2 with Karel van Wolferen
Special Report: Reset in Ukraine, Part 2 with Karel van Wolferen

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

“All knowledge attains its ethical value and its human significance only by the human sense in which it is employed. Only a good man can be a great physician.” 

~Hermann Nothnagel

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Karel van Wolfren is an author, journalist, professor, publisher and one of the most respected voices in the Netherlands on geopolitics. In  March, I visited Karel for a wide ranging discussion on his views about events in the Ukraine and how they relate to the push for central control globally. We so enjoyed our discussion, I returned on April 15 to continue our discussion….and debate!

Related Reading:
Bio: Karel van Wolferen

Related Solari Report:

Special Report: Reset in Ukraine with Karel van Wolferen

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