Solari Financial Transaction Freedom and CBDC Video Shorts

James Quaid
October 29, 2023

By Catherine Austin Fitts

We have collected the best short videos about CBDCs and threats to Financial Transaction Freedom available. Over 90 (and counting) amazing shorts, interview excerpts, and a few of our favorite long videos. We have made sure to add subtitles in many different languages.

Many of these clips come straight from the driving forces behind these developments. Learn more about their true intentions and feel free to spread the content far and wide!

CBDC Shorties

Related Reading:

Financial Transaction Freedom 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: CBDCs – Why You Want to Hold On to Your Cash with John Titus 1st Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: The Future of Financial Freedom with Richard A. Werner I Want to Stop CBDCs What Can I do?

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