Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization Presentation - View Free Online

March 11, 2015

The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing

Mark McCandlish
Title: Zero Point Energy: The power source behind the Secret Space Program and Trump Card of the Break-away Civilization

Promo Video


Michael Schratt
Title: The Man-made vs ET Issue

Promo Video


Joseph P Farrell
Title: Bullion, Brains, Bonds: Financial, Historical, and Cultural Analysis of the Breakaway Civilization and its Analytical and Policy-Formation Culture

Promo Video 1

Presentation 1

Catherine Austin Fitts
Title: The Black Budget: What Does It Mean to US Federal Budget, the Economy and You?

Promo Video


Richard Dolan
Title: UFO Encounters with the World Militaries: Implications

Promo Video


Joseph P Farrell
Title: UFOs, the Tower of Babel Moment, and Space Collateralization and Commercialization: An Analysis of Worst Case Scenario Policy Formation of the Breakaway Civilization

Promo Video 2

Presentation 2

Jon Rappoport
Title: Mind Control, the Space Program, and the Secret Theater of Reality

Promo Video


Carol Rosin
Title: OVERview and OUT

Promo Video


Round Table Discussion Saturday Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo
Saturday Panel

Round Table Discussion Sunday Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo
Sunday Panel

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GlobalBEM Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.

We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.

All rights reserved © GlobalBEM 2014

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