Promoting Women, Part V

June 17, 2014

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen

By Catherine Austin Fitts

One of the logical uses of the “promoting women” meme would be to engineer a Democratic woman into the White House in 2016.  This will enable women and a variety of related constituencies to be cycled back into affirming the establishment in a way that will cut the legs out from under those who would insist on accountability on important issues of law and finance.

There is a core of women, gay and progressive voters who will be satisfied with a change of fashion in the White House as opposed to accountability, fiscal responsibility or fundamental changes in policy. Field a woman candidate who appeals to this group with someone of Latino heritage that will attract the Hispanic votes, very significant corporate and private investment funding, a first rate campaign supported by significant covert surveillance, intelligence and operations and you have a feasible ticket.

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