Precious Metals Market Report with Franklin Sanders

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“Are we witnessing the end of globalization? I don’t think so. It is the end of the ‘global elite,’ those who see the world only from financial centers or a website.” ~ Jeff Immelt, CEO, General Electric

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Franklin Sanders will join me next week for the precious metals market report. Franklin will walk us through what has happened in the gold and silver markets since the election. We will discuss the current correction and how gold and silver prices may be impacted by the Fed decision this coming week as well as by the political changes sweeping through the United States and Europe.

Franklin and I will also address the steps we can take to enforce our US Constitution. These steps include removing legal obstacles to the circulation of gold and silver as money. Enforcing our constitution is what we need most. What do not need  is the current effort to call for a constitutional convention that is working its way through the states. Indeed, we need to aggressively lobby our state legislators to stop it.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Citizen Architect: Samuel Mockabee and the Spirit of the Rural Studio. The documentary tells the story of Samuel “Sambo” Mockabee, the remarkable American architect who co-founded the Auburn University Rural Studio.

Related reading:

I will have plenty to talk about in Money & Markets, so post or e-mail your questions for Ask Catherine.

Talk to you Thursday!