Metanoia Series: Leadership with Junious Ricardo Stanton

Claire Viadro
June 6, 2023

Lord, give us leaders such that it will be for your glory to give us
victory through them.

~ Derek Prince

A Short Preview (Login to Access the Full Interview):

By Catherine Austin Fitts

While in Pennsylvania in April, I had the opportunity to record an in-person conversation with Junious Ricardo Stanton, a long-time ally and, since mid-2021, host of Solari’s Metanoia Series.

Junious modestly describes himself as a “catalyst” and educator, but he has demonstrated very powerful personal leadership skills since I first met him 25 years ago. I wanted to talk with him about leadership—how he became a leader and how he keeps walking his talk. Even before we launched the Metanoia Series, Junious had made several appearances on the Solari Report—in interviews popular with subscribers—to discuss leadership-relevant topics like “divide and conquer,” propaganda, and inner-city corruption.

Every week in our Hero of the Week feature, the Solari Report highlights examples of leaders—high-integrity change agents who rarely make it into an “old media” that dishonorably pumps up fake unethical leaders instead. Join Junious and I as we discuss the qualities of meaningful leadership—ranging from maintaining optimism to listening to striving to be helpful. In a high-friction environment, a personal dedication to this type of leadership has never been more important.

Money & Markets

In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and I will cover the latest events and discuss the financial and geopolitical trends Solari is tracking in 2023—and the pushback rocking and rolling us around the globe. Post questions at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Related Solari Reports:

Metanoia Series

Beyond Divide and Conquer with Junious Ricardo Stanton

Edward Bernays & 10 Big Lies of the 21st Century with Junious Ricardo Stanton

Unpacking Baltimore with Junious Ricardo Stanton

Hero of the Week

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