Let's Go to the Movies: Week of November 28, 2022: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – Part 3

Ulrike Granogger
November 26, 2022

Part 3 is out! In We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, an excellent series of conversations between Berlin-based author and satirical political commentator CJ Hopkins and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts, we are learning more about the background and hidden movements behind the global coup that is threatening to capture not only our assets but also our minds.

Part 3 presents us with a lucid analysis of the propaganda tactics so successfully applied during the pandemic and beyond. How can such propaganda deceive so many?

Not to be missed.

Previous episodes:

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – Part 1

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global – Part 2


Part 3 on Oval.Media

CJ Hopkins Consent Factory

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