This week, we suggest another breathtaking film showing the beauty of planet Earth and all its life-forms. Winged Migration, the story of migratory birds, is an awe-inspiring wildlife documentary from 2001 that gives us a literal bird’s-eye view across all seven continents and takes us into the heartbeat of the winged creatures of this planet. It was filmed over a three-year period with immense effort and expenditure by a film crew totaling over 450 scientists, camera men, directors, and pilots under the direction of famous French actor and filmmaker Jacques Perrin, who died in April of this year.
The fantastic shooting and camera moves take us on the same journey and into the higher “overview effect” that these species enjoy; a literal feeling of soaring in the air may at times take hold of the viewer. As one commentator said: “You leave the movie theatre convinced you can fly.” With great music and without much narration, the film communicates a profound unspoken intelligence.
Our choice for this Let’s Go to the Movies was made after Solari published “The War on Food” last week providing insight into the new controlled food system that is being rolled out globally. Take a look at the increase and percentage of poultry in the global livestock count between 1890 and 2014. . . and consider what a possible “bird flu” scenario will mean to the global food supply.
Then watch Winged Migration.

Watch Winged Migration
Winged Migration on Wikipedia
Tribute to Jacques Perrin (1941-2022) by Serge Toubiana