Let's Go to the Movies: Week of June 13, 2022: Undoctored

Ulrike Granogger
June 11, 2022

For Let’s Go to the Movies this week, watch Undoctored, the eye-opening story of how the American Medical Association (AMA) actively plotted against chiropractic, labeling the practice “quackery” and attempting to destroy a whole profession. Thankfully, many wonderful doctors and chiropractors withstood the deliberate smear campaign and salvaged this powerful healing tradition for all of us to use.

The movie is both an important documentary to record the fraudulent and conspiratorial attacks of the AMA as well as an encouraging reminder of the many excellent people in health care who just believe in helping people and will not be intimidated out of doing the right thing.

Watch Undoctored: The Hidden Story Behind the AMA’s Plot to Destroy Chiropractic on Vimeo

Undoctored movie homepage

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