Infrastructure Week: Here's Your Rhetoric vs. Reality Primer

May 14, 2019

It’s Infrastructure Week Again. Here’s Your Rhetoric vs. Reality Primer

“If you’re following the news about Infrastructure Week, you’re going to come across a lot of claims—and big dollar amounts—that deserve some unpacking. Here’s a collection of some of our classic content about infrastructure needs in America. Consider this a primer to help you be a skeptical news consumer and separate rhetoric from reality.” ~ Strong Towns May 13, 2019

Take this opportunity to share with your local infrastructure oversight organization and your municipal representatives doing ‘Infrastructure’ Right!
As we have argued at Strong Towns for years, the blanket call for “more infrastructure spending” is dangerous and misguided.


Strong Towns: Aligning Profit Motives and Community Needs
Chuck Marohn interviews Catherine Fitts.

Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity
by Charles L. Marohn, Jr
In this conversation, Catherine discusses her past leadership roles and how that has influenced her outlook on building investment and wealth—not just for individuals—but for communities as a whole..

2015 2nd Quarter Wrap Up Audio – Infrastructure: Conquest or Creation?
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