Hero of the Week: September 25, 2023: Katie Hopkins

Ulrike Granogger
September 25, 2023

For a long time, Katie Hopkins has been one of the wittiest and most creative and brilliant commentators and comedic columnists of the new media landscape, and she is our Hero of the Week.

Hopkins was a successful columnist for the Daily Mail when, several years ago, the mainstream media and owners of public discourse attacked her opinions and her sometimes controversial views—and all but completely destroyed her career. Her inner strength and self-determination brought her back even stronger.

The Guardian describes her as a “professional troll,” Wikipedia likes to tag her as “far right,” and the MSM continue to shun her, but they can’t ignore her success. Her voice for freedom is powerful and penetrating because it comes in a package of intelligent humor and hilarious esprit that has the potential to even “crack” the mind-controlled public.

Right on, Katie!

Watch two examples of creative fun and ingenious political commentary.


Join Katie Hopkin’s on Telegram to subscribe to her newest video shorts.

Katie Hopkins’ YouTube channel

Interview: Katie Hopkins talks to Charlie Morrey (YouTube)

Interview: The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins (YouTube)

Katie Hopkins on Wikipedia

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