Hero of the Week: May 31, 2021: Dr. Michael Yeadon

brigitte mouchet
May 29, 2021

"Actually I’ve come to realize that everything we are being told [about the pandemic] is either adjacent to the truth or an exaggeration that is not correct."
~ Michael Yeadon

Dr. Michael Yeadon is our hero for speaking up about all the inaccuracies in what we have been told over the last 18 months, whether it is about the virus, the masks, the PCR tests, the variants, asymptomatic transmission, Covid vaccine safety, or vaccine passports.

Michael Yeadon has a BSc in Biochemistry/Toxicology (1985) and a PhD in Pharmacology (1988). He was Chief Scientific Officer and VP, Allergy & Respiratory Research Head at Pfizer Global R & D, and later co-founded Ziarco, which was acquired by Novartis in January 2017.

Related Links

Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Scientist Michael Yeadon

Dr. Michael Yeadon, speaking at the recent Freedom Rally in Canterbury

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