Hero of the Week: December 25, 2023: Matt Taibbi

Ulrike Granogger
December 25, 2023

“If the law doesn’t apply equally to everybody, then you don’t really have a system of law.” ~ Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi, American author, journalist, and former Rolling Stone contributing editor, is once again the focus of our attention. With an impressive repertoire that includes four bestsellers (Insane Clown President, The Divide, Griftopia, and The Great Derangement), Taibbi has established himself as a prominent figure in the literary world. Not only has he received recognition for his exceptional writing skills, but he has also been honored for thought-provoking works such as I Can’t Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street.

Taibbi started his professional journey in post-communist Russia, where he immersed himself in the language and contributed to publications such as The Moscow Times. Next came stints in Uzbekistan and Mongolia. In 2002, Taibbi made his way back to the U.S., where his exceptional talent, dedication to his craft, remarkable columns, and insightful commentary garnered prestigious accolades, including a National Magazine Award and an Izzy Award for outstanding contributions to independent journalism. His unique coverage of the 2008 financial crisis and criticisms of Wall Street received praise for helping non-financial readers understand what was happening.

Taibbi has been actively engaged in the crucial fight for free speech, making significant contributions that cannot be overlooked, including, notably, his testimony before Congress on the so-called “Twitter Files.” Taibbi’s pivotal advocacy for the protection and preservation of free-speech rights continue to highlight the importance of this fundamental aspect of democracy.

Though historically associated with a progressive viewpoint, Taibbi more recently has adopted a critical stance toward increasingly intolerant progressive positions. This shift in perspective is encouraging other progressives to reevaluate their uncritical acceptance of traditional media, the U.S. government, and globalist narratives.

Taibbi maintains an interactive Substack platform where a variety of his live programs are available. Within this platform, he generously imparts valuable journalistic insights to his readers, sharing useful techniques to identify falsehoods and expose attempts to conceal the truth. We greatly appreciate his passionate defense of the First Amendment and critique of those who would destroy it.


Racket News (Matt Taibbi on Substack)

Books by Matt Taibbi

“Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files” (Written statement by Matt Taibbi before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, March 9, 2023)

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files

Hearing on Twitter Documents About Content Moderation Decisions

Twitter Files (Wikipedia)

Related on the Solari Report:

Hero of the Week: August 1, 2022: Matt Taibbi

Hero of the Week: April 4, 2022: Matt Taibbi

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