Health Series: The Inspiration to Take Action with Jennifer Walters

Claire Viadro
March 31, 2022

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” ~ Rumi

By Catherine Austin Fitts

It is my pleasure to introduce our new series: the Solari Health Series. This coming week, we publish my interview with host Jennifer Walters, BSN-RN, PHN, MFA.

Jennifer and I have been talking about the “aha” moments in our life when we realized that we had to take charge of our health—and we had to become exceptionally discerning users of a health care system in which therapies are increasingly dictated by the government and the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. I asked Jennifer to share some of her most important “aha” moments, including the story about when her son’s vaccine injury years ago set her on a much more independent path.

Jennifer is a registered nurse with experience working in hospitals and with a wide variety of patients, including in the areas of labor and delivery, home health care, and patient advocacy. A review of her resume tells you that this is a person who is literate in everything from the full gamut of homemade kitchen remedies to the most sophisticated procedures and lab testing that medicine can offer. Most importantly, Jennifer is a mother responsible for family nutrition and her children’s health.

Whether we are learning to take better care of ourselves or how to navigate the medical war zones in our lives, staying healthy has become an exceptionally important but complicated task. The more we can learn about how to do so—and, as much as possible, take care of our health in ways that are practical and economic—the better.

I and the Solari team are very grateful that Jennifer has agreed to take this task on. Please take this opportunity to welcome her to our team and give her your ideas and feedback on what you would like her to cover in the Solari Health Series.

This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets or Ask Catherine this week. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary for the following week here.

Talk to you Thursday!

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