Geopolitical - Week of 12.31.17

December 31, 2017

Hillary Clinton faces fresh investigations amid renewed corruption claims
UK Telegraph | 05 January 2018

Wheels Coming off Clinton Bus???

FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation
The Hill | 04 January 2018

Is this one for Real????

Trump still involved in his businesses
Under News | 04 January 2018
Trump’s Moonlighting…

Unhinged – Part 2: Stockman Slams The War Party’s Desperate Assault On “America First”
Zero Hedge | 04 January 2018

Globalism Questioned…

The Biggest Secret
The Intercept | 03 January 2018
More Deep State Horror Show…

Where are People Moving?
North American| 00 January 2018
US Migration Maps…

What Happens If the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP) Lapses?

FAS | 03 January 2018
Federal Flood Insurance Renewal Question…

Trump’s Homeland Security chief pledges help with North Bay fire recovery
SF Chronicle | 03 January 2018
Trump’s CA Fire Storm Response…

Senate Confirms Lockheed Exec As Pentagon Policy Chief
Law 360 | 04 January 2018
MIC Exec in at Pentagon…

Manafort sues DOJ, Mueller over Russia probe authority
CNN | 04 January 2018

Manafort Fires Back…

11 Saudi princes arrested for protesting utility bills at ruling palace – public prosecutor
RT | 06 January 2018
PTB Downsizing…

China Is Building Its Second Foreign Military Base In Pakistan Amid US Diplomatic Scandal
Zero Hedge | 06 January 2018
Silk Road Security…

Kennedy accuses Emanuel of ‘strategic gentrification plan’ to force blacks out of Chicago
Chicago Tribure | 04 January 2018
Chicago’s Black-ectomy…

Fusion’s Russia Fog
WSJ | 02 January 2018
More Russia-Gate Blow Back…

US Senate confirms Rood as Pentagon policy chief
Defense | 03 January 2017
Lockheed: Third most important civilian role in the building…

Trump Voices Optimism for 2018 while also Calling Out ‘Haters’ and ‘Fake News Media’
Fox News | 31 December 2017
He’s raised the bar…

Weiner Laptop Doc: Assange Warrant Issued 2 Weeks After Swedish Election Leaks Warning
Zero Hedge | 31 December 2017
United States Embassy in Stockholm…

Saker Message: Thanks and a Few Important Updates (new book!)
The Saker | 31 December 2017
Second, big news: my 2nd book, “The Essential Saker II – Civilizational Choices and Geopolitics: The Russian Challenge to the Hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire” on sale January 1st!

InPower Episode #1: A Mass Action of Liability (2017)
YouTube | 29 August 2012
Reposted: Docu-Series illustrates a powerful new method to restore social justice and…

17 Striking Findings from 2017
Pew Research | 26 December 2017
Milestone in public opinion; other times a…

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