Geopolitical - Week of 11.19.17

November 19, 2017

Dan Fagan: Donna Brazile Devoted Life to Democratic Party, Until She Exposed ‘Crooked Hillary’
Advocate | 07 November 2017
By law, donors could give…

Russia Confirms 6,000 Mph Hypersonic Zircon Missile Ready for War ‘as of Today’
Daily Star | 24 November 2017
Anti-ballistic missile…

Trump Wants to End Welfare as Bill Clinton Knows It
AP | 24 November 2017
Budget director Mick Mulvaney said…

Fed-up Husband, Father and Healthcare Professional Blasts GOP Congressman—to His Face
Daily Kos | 19 November 2017
I’m not done yet…

In Escalating War Of Words, Saudi Crown Prince Calls Iran’s Ayatollah “New Hitler Of The Middle East”
Zero Hedge | 24 November 2017

Alwaleed Bin Talal Reportedly Hung Upside Down And Beaten By US Mercenaries
Zero Hedge | 24 November 2017
Mercenaries purportedly employed by Academi…

Putin Calls On All “Large-Scale Enterprise” To Be Ready To Convert To “Military Production”
Zero Hedge | 23 November 2017
Less than 30% of…

Flynn’s Lawyers Cut Talks with Trump Team, Signaling Mueller Cooperation: NY Times
Reuters | 23 November 2017
Trump’s lawyers indicated Flynn…

Compromised: Sex-abuser Congressmen are Open to Massive Blackmail
Jon Rappoport | 23 November 2017
Serial abuser simply…

Weinstein’s Impact: List of Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Washington Times | 22 November 2017

Nearly 200 Million are Victims of Modern Slavery
Undernews | 22 November 2017
16 million individuals were forced to work in…

Kremlin Pledges to Stand Up for Russian Billionaire Arrested in France
Reuters | 22 November 2017
Shares in Polyus, Russia’s biggest gold producer…

Journalist Sara Carter Destroys DOJ Attempt To Discredit FBI Informant And Stonewall Uranium One Investigation
Ibankcoin | 21 November 2017

Trump’s Secret War? U.S. Military’s Presence In Middle East Has Grown 33 Percent In Past Four Months
Newsweek | 21 November 2017
Discourse over…

Media Silent As Fed Committee Quietly Passes Act Allowing Warrantless Searches
Zero Hedge | 21 November 2017

Why Is The DOJ Downplaying Reports Of Proof Linking Obama And Clinton To Russian Corruption
Zero Hedge | 21 January 2017
Directly conflict with…

Putin Holds Surprise Meeting With Assad, Will Call Trump By Phone Later Tuesday
zero Hedge | 21 November 2017
Moving on to bring together regional and…

Saudi-Israeli Friendship Is Driving the Rest of the Middle East Together
Strategic Culture | 20 November 2017
Historical change that is…

Latest Solari Petition
Stop The Deep State: No Deals! Petition to My U.S. Representative and Senators
Choose Liberty | November 2017
Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act set to…

The Irresistible Rise of MBS… and His Possible Downfall
Asia Times | 21 November 2017
Who will benefit…

Rep. Conyers Confirms Harassment Settlement; Ethics Investigation Opens
Baltimore Sun | 21 November 2017
Longer than any other current…

Special Counsel Mueller Now Probing Kushner’s Contacts With Israeli Officials During Transition, WSJ
Zero Hedge | 21 November 2017
How expansive…

Drop Sanctions & Eat our Cheese: Czech President Zeman Meets Putin, Brings along 140 Entrepreneurs
RT | 21 November 2017
Angry reaction from…

Meet ‘Foreign Agent’: Americans in America Covering American News for Americans
RT | 21 November 2017
Quo is simply…

Marc Thiessen: Yes, the Clintons Should be Investigated
Salt Lake Tribune | 20 November 2017
Up to their yeballs in…

The U.S. Military as a Zionist Organization
Jewish Policy Center | 20 November 2017
Understand why that’s true…

Bill Clinton Faces Sexual Assault Accusations From Four More Women
Zero Hedge | 20 November 2017
Period after he left…

FBI Informant Gathered Years of Evidence on Russian Push for US Nuclear Fuel Deals, including Uranium One, Memos Show
The Hill | 20 November 2017
Consultant to Rosatom’s…

Merkel Signals Readiness for New Election after Coalition Talks Collapse
Reuters |19 November 2017
Unprecedented in Germany’s…

Special counsel sends wide-ranging request for documents to Justice Department
ABC News | 19 November 2017
Other Trump associates…

AT&T, U.S. Prepare to Battle in Court Over Time Warner Merger
Bloomberg | 20 November 2017
A defiant…

Treasure Trove of Documents Tying Russia to Uranium One
Hannity | 20 November 2017
Collected by the counter…

The Demise of Dissent: Why the Web Is Becoming Homogenized
Information Clearing House | 20 November 2017
Left with…

Air Force Col. Buys 24 Billboards To Expose Cops Who Executed His Son
The Free Thought Project | 20 November 2017
Allowed to…

The ‘Knockout Game’ Never Went Away and People Are Dying
Need to Know | 20 November 2017
Recognizing the disturbing pattern in…

Top NSA Whistleblower Claims ‘Russiagate’ a Fake to Increase War-Spending
Strategic Culture | 19 November 2017
Distortions, which are backed and promoted by…

Israel, Saudi Arabia Setting Preconditions for War with Hezbollah
UNZ | 17 November 2017
Alliance between Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah…

A Philosopher on the Decline of the English Countryside, Brexit, and the European Project
Weekly Standard | 17 November 2017
Government subsidies and planning favor…

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things….
Sheila Kennedy | 14 November 2017
We could… We could… We could…

Newsbud Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for October 2017
Newsbud | 04 November 2017
$18.5 Billion on 178 individual…

Costs of War: US Federal and State Budgets
Watson Brown | November 2017
Key findings…

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