Geopolitical- Week of 10.22.17

October 22, 2017

>Linda Moulton How LIVE 10/26/2017 – Important Information about the JKF Assassination

Linda Moulton Howe | 26 October 2017
JFK Revelations by the Numbers…

JFK Assassination Records Release Update: CIA Attempts to Block New Documents

Dark Journalist | 26 October 2017
Will Everything be Released????

The One Paragraph You Need To Read From The JFK Assassination Files That May Change Everything
Zero Hedge | 27 October 2017
The Surgeon General Said, “Shot from the Front”…

Most Americans Believe JFK Conspiracy Theories
Zero Hedge | 26 October 2017
HSCA Findings are Never Mentioned…

J.F.K. Files, Though Incomplete, Are a Treasure Trove for Answer Seekers
NYT | 26 October 2017
In Praise of the Partial Release…

AN OPEN SECRET. Official PG-13 version. Copyright Esponda Productions LLC #AnOpenSecret FINAL
Vimeo | October 2015
More Dark Underbelly of Hollywood…

Corey Feldman’s Truth Campaign
YouTube | 25 October 2017
Feldman’s Own Words…

Robert Mueller Caught Investing In Russian & Soros Linked Fun
Your News Wire | 24 October 2017

Corey Feldman Arrested After Announcing He Is Working on a Plan to Reveal Hollywood Pedophiles
Need to Know News | 23 October 2017
Just Another Amazing Coincidence…!

See the Groundbreaking Film that Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia
Info Wars| 20 October 2017
Pedo Gate West…

FBI Still Has Good Side. 84 Children Rescued from Prostitution, and 120 Human Traffickers Arrested
Need to Know News | 23 October 2017
Kudos to the FBI…

What the Hell is Happening Here at Hooters/Las Vegas on Oct. 1st (New Video)
YouTube | 21 October 2017
Ambulances at Hooters Casino…

The Las Vegas Shooting Won’t Go Away
Paul Craig Roberts | 26 October 2017
Lee Harvey Oswald West…

Jon Rappoport: World Blows Up! 10/19/17 Alex Jones Infowars
Info Wars | 19 October 2017
The Unraveling..

Stacy Herbert: Good Wrap Up on the News

YouTube | 24 October 2017
MSM Epic Fail…

Latest Solari Donation
Bobby McIlviane Act Viral VideoPurpose: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth | October 2017
More Unraveling…

Icelandic parliamentary election, 2017
Wiki | 28 October 2017
1st World Elections…

Not Knowing is Not Enough
Financial Review | 27 October 2017
More Questions..

Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Deemed Ineligible for Office Dual Citizenship Called into Question…
US News | 27 October 2017

Oregon governor signs gun confiscation bill into law
Guns | 17 August 2017
Mr. Global’s Agenda…

Consumer Bureau Loses Fight to Allow More Class-Action Suits
NYT | 26 October 2017
Didn’t Ralph Nader Warn Us About This???

ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Top Nation’s Lawbreaker List
PR Watch | 24 October 2017
The Usual Suspects…

Unauditable? A discussion about defense department bookkeeping with a former Pentagon auditor
Truth in Accounting | 17 October 2017
MIA DOD Money….

Fukushima victims appeal $1,500 compensation payouts
RT | 23 October 2017
The Term is “Chump Change”…

Full Circle? The Gates Pivot on Education and Where K-12 Philanthropy Is Heading
Inside Philanthropy | 23 October 2017
Gate’s Ongoing Experiment….

Trump takes up again the fight against the US establishment
Voltaire Net | 24 October 2017
PTB Civil War is On…

Pre-Wheelchair George H.W. Bush Groped Me in 2006, Fourth Woman Accuses
Common Dreams | 27 October 2017
More Detail on Bush I Accusations..

Former Maine Senate candidate claims President George H.W. Bush groped her, brings accusers total to four
NY Daily News | 27 October 2017
The Accusations Continue…

Third woman accuses George H.W. Bush of groping, making ‘David Cop-a-feel’ joke
Chicago Tribune | 27 October 2017
Strike Three…

Bush Sr. says sorry after actor alleges he sexually assaulted her
Twitter | 25 October 2017
CEO of BushCo Still Alive and Well…

REWIND: FBI Used Clinton Campaign’s Steele Dossier to Get FISA Warrant on Trump Campaign
PJ Media | 26 October 2017
Deep State Machinations…

Senators rally behind Trump and his agenda after mini-revolt
AP News | 26 October 2017
The Battle Plan is Being Executed…

As Luxury Apartments Rise, Homelessness in New York City Reaches Highest Levels Since the Great Depression
Truth Out | 23 October 2017
The Harvest Continues…

Globalisation has marginalised many regions in the rich world
The Economist | 21 October 2017
Mr. Global Thinks He’s God…

Black lists matter: the betrayal of democratic liberalism
Medium | 28 October 2017
Soros Style McCarthyism…

Hungary Orders Spies to Target Soros ‘Empire’
Bloomberg | 27 October 2017
Mr. Global is Losing Friends Fast….

Texas governor withholds Harvey recovery funds from Houston
Think Progress | 19 September
Disaster Budget Stress…

Japan’s Abe to push pacifist constitution reform after strong election win
Reuters | 22 October 2017
Abe Assumes More Control…

Exit Polls Project Sweeping Victory, Supermajority For Japan’s Abe
Zero Hedge | 22 October 2017
Abe’s Clean Sweep…

EXCLUSIVE: US Preparing to Put Nuclear Bombers Back on 24-Hour Alert
Defense One | 22 October 2017
Escalation in the Air…

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Top Documentary | October 2017
The Phoenix Rises…

Air Force To Recall Up To 1,000 Retired Military Pilots After Trump Unexpectedly Revises Sept 11 Executive Order
Zero Hedge | 22 October 2017
The Consequences of War w/o End Amen…

Germany’s Delegation To Russia Signals That Merkel Is Looking For New Allies
Zero Hedge | 24 October 2017
Russia and Germany Say No to Cold War II..

Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta
NBC News | 24 October 2017
More Russian Investigation Mission Creep…

Checkered Champion Bill Browder, Anti-Corruption Crusader, Got $70 Million from Tax Evasion and Fraud in Russia
100 Reports | 20 October 2017
More Rape of Russia Details…

Bombshell: Hillary Clinton And The DNC Colluded With Russia In An Attempt To STEAL The Election From Donald Trump
SHTFP | 27 October 2017
Evidence Pot Called Kettle Black w/ Russian Assistance…

Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn’t Alter Election, Obama Didn’t Deliver, We Didn’t Vote For Hillary
Daily Wire | 22 October 2017
Reality Check…

Macron’s Call to Federalize Europe
Martin Armstrong| 22 October 2017
More Centralization…

Sicily votes 81% against the EU Status Quo – It Begins!
Martin Armstrong | 11 November 2017
Sicily is Next….

Northern Italy regions overwhelmingly vote for greater autonomy
The Guardian UK | 22 October 2017
Centralization Push Back…

Obama Uranium One Deal Is Allowing Yellowcake Uranium to Be Shipped to Unknown Destinations
Need to Know News | 23 October 2017
Stealth Nuclear Proliferation…

The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal
National Review | 21 October 2017
Russian Scandal Mission Creep…

Putin says to stop criticizing Trump
Undernews | 21 October 2017
Putin Thumbs Up…

Search Results for Corporatocractic Surveillance Just Got One Step More Invasive
Activist Post | 26 October 2017
Big.Inc Can Enter Your Home???

U.S. Government Targets “Homegrown Violent Extremists” In Broad Surveillance
Activist Post | 26 October 2017
Extremely Broad a Definition…

More than half of US prisoners are slaves
Undernews | 21 October 2017
Slavery in the Modern Day…

Video: The Vietnam War and the Phoenix Program: “A Computerized Genocide” | Global Research
CGS Monitor | 20 October 2017
The Foundation of War w/o End Amen…

America’s Top Fears 2017
Chapan University | 11 October 2017
Top 10 Real or Imagined…

Bannon Blasts “Embarrassing” Bush, Slams Silicon Valley’s “Lords Of Technology”
Zero Hedge | 21 October 2017
Bush Called Out…

Silverglate: How Robert Mueller Tried To Entrap Me
WBGH | 17 October 2017
Mueller on the Hot Seat…

Thousands rally for Spanish unity in Madrid
RT | 28 October 2017
Counter Separatist Rallies….

Spain PM Fires Catalan Government, Calls Snap Elections In Retaliation For Independence Vote
Zero Hedge | 27 October 2017
More Spain Lowers the Boom..

Spain Will Remove Catalonia Leader, Escalating Secession Crisis
NYT | 21 October 2017
Spain Lowers the Boom…

Trump says he’ll allow the release of more than 3,000 classified JFK files — here’s what you need to know
Nordic Business Insider | 21 October 2017
54 Years Later CIA is still Terrified….

The IRS seized $59,000 from a gas station owner. They still refuse to give it back.
Washington Post | 16 October 2017
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied….

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