Geopolitical - Week of 09.17.17

September 17, 2017

Pentagon makes a 20-year plan, while Washington outsources its color revolution
“Alex Jones Breaks Down Globalist Plan…”

Info Wars | 13 September 2017
Worthy of a listen…

Pentagon makes a 20-year plan, while Washington outsources its color revolution
The Saker | 23 September 2017
War w/o End Amen Play Book..

Spain In Crisis: Catalan Police Reject Madrid Takeover, Vow To “Resist”
Zero Hedge | 23 September 2017
Catalan’s Bid for Independence…

Russia Warns US In Unprecedented “Secret” Face-To-Face Meeting Over Syria, But What’s The Endgame?
Zero Hedge | 23 September 2017
Oil Wars Continued…

500 million dollars on its way to fund the next war against Syria
Voltaire Net | 22 September 2017
More War w/o End Amen..

Global Warming: Who Are The Deniers Now?
Investors Business Daily | 22 September 2017
Global Warming Denial Update..

Florida Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed For Hurricane-Damaged Homes
Zero Hedge | 22 September 2017
It’s All About Revenue…

Tucker v Rob Reiner: Russia’s Invasion of our Democracy
Information Clearing House | 22 September 2017

Joe McCarthy returns from the Grave..

Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing
Your News Wire | 21 September 2017
Blow Back…

Sharyl Attkisson Rips Media for Ignoring Weaponization of Intel Agencies Under Obama
Washington Times | 21 September 2017

U.S.-Backed Forces Capture Big Gas Field in Syria’s Deir al-Zor – Senior Commander
Reuters | 23 September 2017

Russia Warns US In Unprecedented “Secret” Face-To-Face Meeting Over Syria, But What’s The Endgame?
Zero Hedge | 22 September 2017
For a direct…

Is it the Kremlin’s turn to get WikiLeaked?
CS Monitor | 21 September 2017
Nature and workings of…

Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks: A Conversation
OR Books | September 2017
Instead of describing her as a brave, independent journalist…

One Simple Chart Proves That Facebook Thinks You’re A Moron
Zero Hedge | 21 September 2017
Proving just how meaningless…

Petro Dollar Under Attack
Nexus | 20 September 2017
US does not Play Well with Others…

Unmasked: Trump Doctrine vows carnage for new axis of evil
The Saker | 20 September 2017
More War w/o End Amen…

Unmasked: Trump Doctrine Vows Carnage for New Axis of Evil
The Saker | 20 September 2017
On the table, a way more…

New Visual Story of Hope: Elton John – Rocket Man

YouTube | 22 May 2017
(May 2017) Iranian filmmaker and refugee Adin reimagines “Rocket Man” whole new…

India: The Genie Of Lawlessness Is Out Of The Bottle
Zero Hedge | 21 September 2017
Transforming it into…

Was Trump Aiming at North Korea’s Rocket Man or His Friend Next Door?
Guardian | 20 September 2017
Could see some art…

Latest Solari Donation
Free Ross Ulbricht
Free Ross | September 2017
Who is Ross?

Trump’s Judicial Nominee From Texas Called Transgender Kids Part Of ‘Satan’s Plan’
KUT | 20 September2017
First Liberty…

The Lucy Stein Gang Rides Into Moscow
The Saker | 18 September 2017
Snatched by pro-Western liberals…

Texas’ 13 Open Federal Judgeships Are Likely To Go To Conservatives
KUT | 18 September2017

Russian Collusion? New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton Invited Putin To “Pay For Play” Event
Zero Hedge | 19 September 2017
Right after she became…

Syria: One War Can Hide Another
After the Caliphate, Rojava

Voltaire Net | 19 September 2017
Supposed to serve Trump’s new…

US Opens First Permanent Military Base in Israel as Tensions with Iran Rise
Global Research | 19 September 2017
Inside the Israeli Air Force’s…

Seven in 10 Dissatisfied With Way U.S. Is Being Governed
Gallup | 18 September 2017
More negative than…

The Geopolitical Earthquake Of The Looming Kurdistan Referendum
Zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
Israel’s public stance…

Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things the Agency Has Done in 70 Years
Anti Media | 18 September 2017
Known to the public…

Spain Vows Catalonia Will Face ‘Brutal Impoverishment’ If It Leaves
Need to Know | 18 September 2017
Outside of…

The Latest: Senate Approves $700 Billion Defense Policy Bill
Yahoo | 18 September 2017
Another $60 billion for..

Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch on Global Spraying & Weather Modification
YouTube | 11 September 2017
Wx War Consequences…

Rhode Island’s “Surprising” Geoengineering Act Of 2017
Activist Post | 21 May 2017
RI is Awake and Taking Action…

One Map With All the Countries the US Has Invaded Will Make You Question Everything
The Anti Media | 25 August 2017
MIC Travel Log…

Rex Tillerson and Sergei Lavrov to meet within hours in New York
Russia Feed | 18 September 2017
Opportunity for well grounded…

Man Who Saved the World From Nuclear Armageddon in 1983 Dies at 77
Gizmodo | 18 September 2017
His computer told him that…

Trump Lawyers Clash Over How Much to Cooperate With Russia Inquiry
NYT | 17 September 2017
More Energy on Russian Unicorn Hunt..

Emmys Devolves Into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest
Grabien | 17 September 2017
Hollywood’s Two Cents…

The Age of Surveillance is Here
QZ| 27 August 2017
Big Brother Incarnate…

Tillerson says U.S. could stay in Paris climate accord
Reuters | 17 September 2017
Another 180…

Government by Goldman
The Intercept | 17 September 2017
Vampire Squid, Large and In Charge…

Syria Summary – Eliminating ISIS’ Remains
Moon of Alabama| September 2017
Russia / Syria ISIS Elimination Plan…

Merkel Encountering Rising Violent Protests
Martin Armstrong | 17 September 2017
Grass Roots Blow Back…

Poland Demands $1 Trillion from Germany for WW2 Reparations
Need to Know News | 16 September 2017
More Forced Immigration Blow Back…

Emails: Hillary Clinton invited Putin to Clinton Foundation Gala
Conservative View | 15 September 2017
Clinton Courted Putin….

A permanent emergency: Trump becomes third president to renew extraordinary post-9/11 powers
USA Today | September 2017
More Same Old, Same Old…

Christians Beat FEMA, and in so Doing, Tame Big Government
Washington Times | 12 September 2017
Faith Based Groups Lead the Charge…

Bipartisan Congress Put Jeff Sessions In His Place, Shut Down His Expansion Of Civil Asset Forfeiture
Activist Post | 14 September 2017
Stopping the Madness…

EU official says US won’t reject Paris climate treaty, but White House denies statement
Fox News | 17 September 2017
Paris Accord Allegations…

US Congressman Seeks Deal to Prove Russia Did Not Hack US Election
Sputnik News | 16 September 2017
Proof of Phantom Chasing…

Sesame Credit
Wiki| 18 September 2017
Coming to a Town Near You!!!

Is Big Data Killing Democracy?
Fortune | 15 September 2017
Databeast Consequences..

Pennsylvania could halt spending on Friday without budget
Reuters | 14 September 2017
The Consequences of Missing Money…

Bandits Terrorizing Virgin Island After Governor Seized Private Weapons
Info Wars | 13 September 2017
Amazing Coincidence…

A Jaw-Dropping Explanation of How Governments Are Complicit in the Illegal Drug Trade
Alternet |10 September 2012
2012 relevance to return of the War on Drugs?

2011: NDAA Bill: How Did Your Senator Vote?
International Business Times | 21 Decmeber 2011
(Ease of tracking)2011 broken down below by state…

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