Geopolitical - Week of 09.24.17

September 24, 2017

The Cost to US Taxpayers for Accepting Immigrants is $135 BILLION Per Year!
Need to Know News | 30 September 2017
The Numbers are In…

Middle East and Asia Geopolitics: Shift in Military Alliances?
Global Research | 30 September 2017
US Alliances Crumbling in Mid East…

America might see a new constitutional convention in a few years
The Economist | 30 September 2017
May God Help Us All…

“They Won’t Know What Hit Them” Shocking Undercover Footage Exposes Antifa’s “Premeditated” Violence
Zero Hedge | 30 September 2017
Who’s Funding This???

Georgetown Bank Teller Steals $185,000 From Homeless Customer With Garbage Bag Full Of Cash
Zero Hedge | 30 September 2017
A New Meaning to Full Service Banking..

Molly Ivin, Quotable Quotes
Good Reads | 29 September 2017
Things in Perspective..

U.S. Directly Communicating with North Korea, Seeks Dialogue
Reuters | 29 September 2017
We’re not in a…

The US Military Is Quietly Building SkyNet
Zero Hedge | 29 September 2017
Terminator Story Line…

‘Pyongyang will fear us more’: South Korea wants to transfer wartime army command from US
RT | 28 September 2017
South Korea Wants Control of their Army…

Foreign Control of U.S. Farmland has Recently Doubled, And the USDA Doesn’t Know Who Owns What
In These Times | 28 September 2017
Missing Land!!!

Monsanto banned from European Parliament
The Guardian | 28 September 2017
Some Good News..

Hello Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, USA Today, CNN, Washington Post, Slate: Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart
Mish | 28 September 2017
MSM Chicken Little..

Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea
NYT | 27 September 2017
The Cover Story…

Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code
Treasure | 27 September 2017
The outline…

Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico more Debt
The Intercept | 27 September 2017
The Harvest Continues…

Schaeuble to head German parliament, unblocking coalition talks
Reuters | 27 September 2017
German Coalition Maneuvers….

Interpol approves membership for State of Palestine over Israeli objections
Reuters | 27 September 2017
Interpol’s Vote of Confidence…

What the Heck is Goign on in Catalonia?
JP Farrell | 26 September 2017
State of Siege…

Kurdistan – what the referendum is hiding
Voltaire Net | 26 September 2017
More Middle East Chaos…

Trump Stumped As Bannon-Backed Roy Moore Wins Alabama Republican Primary By Landslide
Zero Hedge | 26 September 2017
AL Victory for Bannon..

Edward Snowden Explains Who Really Rules The United States – It’s Not The Russians…
Anon HQ | 11 October 2016
Shift of Power….

Explosive plan for Indonesian fisheries
Asian Times | 26 September 2017
The Politics of Food…

Here Are The Congressional Aides That Traded On Insider Information Over The Past Year
Zero Hedge | 25 September 2017
Best Government Money can Buy..

Very dangerous escalation in Syria
The Saker | 25 September 2017
More Brinksmanship…

North Korean Earthquake.. and Some High Octane Speculation
JP Farrell | 25 September 2017
$15T Buys a Lot of Toys…

Ex-U.S. Rep. Weiner sentenced to 21 months in teen ‘sexting’ case
Reuters | 25 September 2017
That’s One….

German election: Merkel wins fourth term, AfD nationalists rise
BBC | 25 September 2017
Merkel Prevails…

In rare spectacle, Army court-martials a retired general
Stripes | 25 August 2017
Justice Delayed…

Puerto Rico’s Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria
NYT | 24 September 2017
80% Crop Loss…

Masked gunman kills woman, wounds several others at Nashville church
Reuters | 24 September 2017
Lone Nut Gunman Epidemic Continues…

NDAA Bill: How Did Your Senator Vote?
International Business Times | 21 December 2011

FedGov.Inc’s Minions…

Germany Election: Merkel Wins Fourth Term, Nationalists Rise
BBC | 24 September 2017
Historic losses…

Syria’s Deputy PM Walid Al Moualem Speech At UNGA United Nations
The Saker | 23 September 2017
YouTube | 23 September 2017
Start at 13 minutes for Israeli funding of terrorism…

Syria – Deputy Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 72nd Session Video
UN Web TV| 23 September 2017
Start at 13 minutes for Israeli funding of terrorism…

Spain In Crisis: Catalan Police Reject Madrid Takeover, Vow To “Resist”
Zero Hedge | 23 September 2017
Reminiscent of the 1936-39…

Students Chant ‘Get Out’ During James Comey’s Speech at Howard University
Yahoo | 22 September 2017
Endowed Chair in Public Policy for the 2017-2018 academic year…

Local: Dar Williams Discusses and Signs What I Found in a Thousand Towns: A Traveling Musician’s Guide to Rebuilding America’s Communities-
Book Soup | September 2017
-One Coffee Shop, Dog Run, and Open-Mike Night at a Time…

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