Geopolitical - Week of 08.07.16

August 7, 2016

What Julian Assange’s War on Hillary Clinton Says About WikiLeaks
Intercept | 06 August 2016
Rewarding of corruption by…

Wikileaks’ Assange Hints Murdered DNC Staffer Was Email-Leaker, Offers $20k Reward For Info
Zero Hedge | 11 August 2016
Morphs into conspiracy fact…

Nancy Pelosi is Flooded with ‘Sick and Obscene’ Phone Calls after ‘Russian’ Hacker Posted House Democrats’ Private Numbers
Daily Mail | 13 August 2016
House computer system has not…

Donald Trump is ‘Totally Nuts,’ Says Robert de Niro
Yahoo | 13 August 2016
Founded as an act of defiance …

Swiss Train Attack: 6 Passengers, Including 1 Child, Suffer Burn, Knife Wounds
RT | 13 August 2016
Similar assault was committed by…

Latest Kremlin Appointment may Signal Major Change
BBC | 12 August 2016
Party elite…

Private Federal Prisons more Dangerous, Damning DoJ Investigation Reveals
Guardian | 12 August 2016
Combating overcrowding…

Putin-Erdogan Meeting Leaves Major Policy Fronts Unresolved
The Real News | 12 August 2016
Coup…did not end…

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: “Russian Government is Reconsidering the Neoliberal Policy”
The Saker | 11 August 2016
Instead, Washington abused…

Pentagon Preparing for Mass Civil Breakdown
The Guardian | 14 June 2014
(2014) Social science is being militarised to…

$6.5 Trillion Stolen & You Didn’t Hear About It
The Real Strategy | 11 August 2016
20 years now,…never…

From Corporate Lawyer to Corporate Critic: Ciara Torres-Spelliscy Dissects ‘Citizens United’
Bill Moyers | 11 August 2016
Clever lawyers turn laws…

Next President Faces Possible ObamaCare Meltdown
The Hill | 11 August 2016
Judgment day…

CNN Admits “We Couldn’t Help [Hillary] Any More Than We Have”
Zero Hedge | 11 August 2016
10 minutes worth of CNN claiming…

PM (Theresa May )Agrees To Meet Putin At G20 Summit
Sky News | 10 August 2016
Relating to aviation…

Vladimir Putin and Theresa May Agree to Improve Relations between Russia and UK and to Hold Face-to-face Meeting
Telegraph | 09 August 2016
75th anniversary…

Brazil’s Senate indicts Rousseff, Opens Impeachment Trial
Yahoo | 10 August 2016
In time to attend the summit of the G20…

Freedom Movement Loses Important Voice with Passing of Mike Vanderboegh
Oath Keepers | 10 August 2016
Despised by the despicable…

Democratic Strategist Calls For The Assassination Of Julian Assange
Zero Hedge | 10 August 2016
Clinton strategist Bob Beckel…

Why is the G20 in Hangzhou? Historic Meeting of Global Leaders, Their Agenda and the Redrawing of the World’s Economic Order
SCMP | 08 August 2016
Can deliver…

Russia Plans Side Summit During G20 Meeting
Trunews | 08 August 2016
From Kiev…

Who Owns the U.S. National Debt?
US Economy | 25 June 2016
The Biggest Owner Is…

Republican Donald Trump Unveils Economic Plan to ‘Jump-start’ United States
Straits Times | 09 August 2016
Reduction of corp…

Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House
Vanity Fair | 09 August 2016
Net worth is among…

Did Bill Maher Lie to Assange, Viewers about $1 Million Clinton Donation?
The Hill | 08 August 2016
So blatant…

Turkey: Protesters Moving Toward Incirlik Air Base, The New Byzantine Alliance: News and Views from the Nefarium

Giza Death Star | 4-5 August 2016
Kremlin and the…

Turkey: Protesters Moving Toward Incirlik Air Base
Stratfor | 28 July 2016
Houses thousands of…

The New Byzantine Alliance – The Kremlin And the Porte Revolutionize the Centre of the Old World
Russia Insider | 28 July 2016
(Dr. Farrell video August 4-5 2016) Soon-to-be settled price…

Response to 50 GOP National Security Officials Opposing Donald Trump
Solari | 09 August 2016
You must break…

U.S. Warns It Will Respond Harshly If Israel Demolishes Palestinian Village of Sussia
Haaretz | 10 August 2016
Difficult to continue…

Republican Donald Trump Unveils Economic Plan to ‘Jump-start’ United States
straits Times | 09 August 2016
Reduction of corp…

Kissinger Hindered US Effort to End Mass Killings in Argentina, According to Files
Guardian | 09 August 2016
Praise for…

Coming to Terms with Secret Law – Dakota S. Rudesill
Cryptome | 01 August 2016
Valuable framework for…

U.S. Approves $1.15 Billion Sale of Tanks, Equipment to Saudi Arabia
Reuters | 09 August 2016
General Dynamics will…

Wake Up with Steve Curtis: Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump-Clinton & the American Worker
Soundcloud | 02 August 2016
(Audio track) Would be better for…

Dr. Steven Greer : Getting Bribed

YouTube | 09 August 2016
Mass defection…

Amish for Trump: How a Brash Billionaire Appeals to Modest Country Voters
RT | 08 August 2016
introducing Amish…

Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demands Barack Obama ‘Pay another $2 Billion’
Duran | 08 August 2016
Oppression and cruelty…

Here’s an Update on ‘The Great Battle of Aleppo’
Duran | 07 August 2016
No more than a few hundred…

The Counter-terrorist Corrida Opposing the West and Islam
The Saker | 08 August 2016
AngloZionist Empire are…

Hillary, Queen of War: The Road Map Ahead
ICH | 07 August 2016

George P. Bush Urges Republicans to Back Trump
CNN | 08 August 2016
Family confidante, CNN…

Media Lie about Hillary’s Severe Health Condition
Jon Rappoport | 08 August 2016
Coumadin is highly…

Additional Missing Trillions: Audit Reveals That Pentagon Doesn’t Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone
The Breakaway | 08 August 2016
(See background below) Defense Inspector…

The Black Budget: What Does It Mean to US Federal Budget, the Economy and You?

YouTube | 09 March 2015
(Minute 56 and forward) Missing Money…

50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’
NY Times | 08 August 2016
Nation’s most senior Republican national security…

Kaine Says White House Lacks Authority for Libya Anti-ISIS Airstrikes
Market Watch | 08 August 2016
Breaks from Clinton…

Swiss court orders Israel to pay up for Iranian oil
Times of Israel | 08 August 2016
$7 billion…

Counting the Cost of a Supreme Court Lost to the Left
Washington Examiner | 07 August 2016
How bad a hard…

Will Media Apologize to Trump? Mother of Crying Baby at Rally Speaks Out, Defends Trump
Gateway Pundit | 06 August 2016
Came back…

Exposed: 5 Shocking Stats That Prove Trump Is Beating the Media’s Rigged Polls
Conservative Tribune | 06 August 2016
Mainstream media and the rigged…

Maine Somalians Seem to Reduce Crime, Not Increase It as Trump Implied
Undernews | 06 August 2016
Crime is going…

Zephyr Teachout is Running for Congress – Video
Facebook | 06 August 2016
19th Congressional District of NY, Independent business plan…

What is Corrupt? Zephyr Teachout TEDx Binghamton University

YouTube | 27 March 2015
Senators below Octopus strong men…

Virginia’s Syrian Refugees Resettled In Poor Communities Hours Away From Wealthy DC Suburbs
Daily Caller | 06 August 2016
Lower income…

Say Hello to Southeast Asia’s New Silk Roads
Counter Punch | 05 August 2016
Cannot generate 200-nautical mile exclusive…

Boeing Ready to Design Next Generation of US Nuclear Missiles
Sputnik | 03 August 2016
Ground Based …

Mass Walkout At DNC, Bernie Sanders Delegate Statement

YouTube | 27 July 2016
Millions of voices over decades…

Chinese Court Jails Colombian Miss World Hopeful for 15 Years for Smuggling Drugs
SCMP | 26 July 2016
Could have faced death…

Views of the Campaign and the Candidates
People Press | 07 July 2016
More pronounced among Republicans than Democrats…

First Ever Israeli-Russian Joint Military Exercise is Coming this Summer
Osnet Daily | 10 June 2016
Defense of energy assets in…

What Hillary Clinton Can Actually Do To Take Your Guns
Guns America | 05 April 2016
Give a gun…

Non-Citizens Are Voting:Read more at:James O’Keefe Documents the Problem in North Carolina, where the Senate Race is Close
National Review | 30 October 2014
(2014) To instruct or coerce..

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