Geopolitical - Week of 01.29.17

January 29, 2017

Omarosa Gets Feisty on The View, Disses Joy Behar
YouTube | 01 February 2017
Forward and put this country…

Covering Trump the Reuters Way
Reuters | 31 January 2017
Reuters coverage..

Trump Orders Military to Prepare for World War
Global Research | 29 January 2017
$1 trillion upgrade in…

Catherine Austin Fitts; Humanity’s Epic Battle and Big Game Changers
YouTube | 01 February 2017
Navigate the opportunities and risks…

President Donald J. Trump’s Live Video
Facebook | 03 February 2017
Second weekly address to you…

Grexit? Greece Again on the Brink as Debt Crisis Threatens Break with EU
Guardian | 03 February 2017
Bond yields have…

Women, Children Refugees in Europe ‘Starting to Go Missing’
Sputnik | 01 February 2017
96,000 Children…

Ukraine – Coup Government Tries To Sabotage U.S.-Russia Rapprochement
Moon of Alabama | 02 February 2017
Ukrainian government has so far avoided to…

Technological Trouble for Labor Productivity
Giza Death Star | 02 February 2017
Joseph P Farrell: Ultimately, they will be profoundly…

Jeff Rense & Catherine Austin Fitts – Brilliant Explanation Of What Trump…And We…Are Now Facing
YouTube | 01 February 2017
How is the President…

Did President Trump Just Save Western Civilization?
Did President Trump Just Save Western Civilization?
YouTube | 29 January 2017
Was not working…

Justice Dept. Appeals Federal Judge’s Ruling Halting Immigration Order
Hill | 04 February 2017
Order is intended to…

United States Courts
US Courts | 04 February 2017
Court Role and Structure…

Do Chicago Gang Thugs Want to Stage a Revolution with Trump?
Jon Rappoport | 01 February 2017
Scott said the gangs ‘want to work with…

Trump Thanks Australian Prime Minister for Disputing Report of Contentious Phone Call
BI | 03 February 2017
Nature of…

Institute of Food Technologists Calls for President’s Immigration Order to be Rescinded
Baking Business | 02 February 2017
Impair these…

Another Travel Ban: IRS Moves To Revoke Passports For Unpaid Taxes
Forbes | 02 February 2017
IRS can notify the State…

Senate Confirms Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State in 56-to-43 Vote
WP | 02 February 2017
Four members of the Democratic…

Berkeley Blowback: Milo Book Sales Soar 12,740% Overnight
ZeroHedge | 02 February 2017
How Milo…

Texas Cuts Funding to Travis County, an Immigrant Sanctuary
Governing | 02 February 2017
Put all Texas sheriffs in the service (of) the United States Department of…

San Francisco Sues Trump Over Sanctuary Cities Crackdown
Governing | 01 February 2017
Unlawful intrusion on…

Senate Confirms Tillerson as Secretary of State
The Hill | 01 February 2017
Worst time to have…

Brexit: MPs Overwhelmingly Back Article 50 Bill
BBC | 01 February 2017
To last up to…

Gen. Flynn: “Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice”
ZeroHedge | 01 February 2017
Defiance of UN Security…

Trump Administration Says It’s Putting Iran ‘on Notice’ Following Missile Test
WP | 01 February 2017
Missile concerns…

CNN Producer Sues Over Trump Refugee Order
Hill | 01 February 2017
Lawful permanent residents…

Trump’s Toxic Agriculture Policy will be as Grotesque as Obama’s
Jon Rappoport | 01 February 2017
Organic Consumers…has story…

House Votes to Void Obama Administration’s Social Security Gun Background Check Rule
Washington Times | 01 February 2017
Likely to be crime…

Meet America’s Newest Supreme Court Justice: Judge Neil Gorsuch
ZeroHedge | 31 January 2017
Textualist — someone who…

The 4 Rules That Will Explain Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmation Fight
Politico | 31 January 2017
Hard facts about…

A Guide to Trump’s First 18 Executive Orders
Washington Examiner | 31 January 2017
Sparked immediate…

Argentina Makes It Easier to Deport Foreigners Who Commit Crimes or with Records
Merco Press | 31 January 2017
21.35% of…

Trump Slams “Astronomical” Drug Prices, Tells CEOs To “Get Prices Down”
Daily Coin | 31 January 2017
Threatened to have the government…

Covering Trump the Reuters Way
Reuters | 31 January 2017
Facts they need to…

Trump Drives a Wedge in the EU
Mish Talk | 31 January 2017
Collection of massively…

Cops Use Pacemaker Data to Charge Homeowner with Arson, Insurance Fraud
Network World | 30 January 2017
Self incrimination…

With Alex Jones I will head Infowars DC News Bureau
Twitter | 30 January 2017
Apply to be White House…

Casino Mogul Steve Wynn to Be RNC Finance Chair
Lifezette | 30 January 2017
Fundraising operation into…

Overnight Regulation: Trump Signs ‘2-for-1’ Order to Reduce Regulations
The Hill | 30 January 2017

Executive Order: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs
White House | 30 January 2017
At least two existing regulations to be…

Trump Signs ‘2-for-1’ Order to Reduce Regulations
The Hill | 30 January 2017
Control the costs…

ACLU Donations Soaring
Undernews | 30 January 2017
Unprecedented in…

Google Fires Podesta Lobbying Group Shortly After Hiring Eric Braverman; Coincidence?
Zero Hedge | 30 January 2017
Real HRC scandal…

Prosecutors Drop Rioting Charges Against Four Journalists Arrested During Inauguration Protests
WP | 30 January 2017
Charge carries up to…

Mystery Surrounds Death of Former KGB Chief Linked to Lurid Trump Report
Kansas City | 29 January 2017
Former KGB chief suspected of helping…

Commando Dies in U.S. Raid in Yemen, First Military Op OK’d by Trump
Reuters | 29 January 2017
30 people, including…

Saudi King Agrees in Call with Trump to Support Syria, Yemen Safe Zones: White House
Reuters | 29 January 2017
Syria and Yemen…

Trump Sets Tougher Restrictions on Lobbying by Officials
AP | 29 January 2017
Restructuring…NSC and the Home…

Fil-Am Named Trump’s Assistant Press Secretary
Inquirer | 29 January 2017
Asian Pacific American press…

Donald Trump Agrees Not to Talk Publicly About Mexico Paying for Border Wall
Morningstar | 27 January 2017

New Executive Order Demands Immigration Checks When You Leave the US, Not Just When You Arrive
View from the Wing | 28 January 2017
Most countries…

Putin: Speech to UN 2015 ‘Do You Realise What You’ve Done?’ – English Subtitles

YouTube | 04 February 2016
(Worthy of review)…Aggressive external intervention…

Executive Orders:

Presidential Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs
White House | 30 January 2017

Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System
White House | 30 January 2017

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