Geopolitical - Week of 01.15.17

January 15, 2017

Not U.S. Centric:

Ben Swann #Pizzagate Special – CBS News
YouTube | 17 January 2017
Referenced in the emails…

‘El Chapo’ Extradition: What it Means, What’s Next
Rollingstone | 20 January 2017
Career spanning four…

The Trump Presidency and the Coming Conflict Between Europe and America
Global Research | 20 January 2017
Essential to preserve the framework through…

China Censors Trump Inauguration: “It’s Forbidden For Websites To Carry Reports Of The Inauguration”
Zero Hedge | 20 January 2017
Emerging nemesis…

Marine Le Pen is Now Leading Among French Voters – Poll
RT | 19 January 2017
Significant drop for center-right…

Facebook Censors RT: the Information War Has Begun
Duran | 18 January 2017
Unethical, but it is also…

Woman Fined for Pouring Coffee Down Sewer
Armstrong Economics | 20 January 2017
Hunt for taxes…

Theresa May Confirms: Britain is Heading for Brexit Max
Economist | 17 January 2017
Leave the single market and the…

Poposki Says Soros Activities in Macedonia have become Unacceptable
MIA MK| 16 January 2017
Easily fall under influence…

Advice for Snowden from a Man Who Knows: ‘Always Check Six’
Reuters | 11 June 2013
Indicted for leaking…

Germany Slams Trump Criticism: Urges US To “Build Better Cars”, Accuses Washington Of Causing Refugee Crisis
Zero Hedge | 16 January 2017
US-led wars…

Key NATO Commander Agrees With Trump, NATO Is Obsolete
Anti War | 17 January 2017
Too focused on…

Donald Trump Rattles Europe by Branding the NATO Alliance ‘Obsolete’
News AU | 17 January 2017
Sharp European response…

Gambia President-elect Adama Barrow’s Son Killed by Dog
BBC | 16 January 2017

‘No Food, No Medicine, No Money’: Yemeni Town Faces Mass Death by Starvation
RT | 15 January 2017
Saudis have repeatedly…

Davos Elite Eat $40 Hot Dogs While “Struggling For Answers”, Cowering in “Silent Fear”
Zero Hedge | 15 January 2017
Simulation of a refugee’s…

Trump’s Delusion: Halting Eurasian Integration and Saving ‘US World Order’
Strategic Culture | 15 January 2017
Military, media, financial and cultural…

In Stunning Pair Of Interviews, Trump Slams NATO And EU, Threatens BMW With Tax; Prepared To “Cut Ties” With Merkel
Zero Hedge | 15 January 2017
Portrayed the EU as…

Beijing Warns Trump: One-China Policy ‘Non-negotiable’
Staights Times | 15 January 2017
Angry response from…


Best Quote Ever!
Watching Major Media Commit Suicide
Jon Rappoport | 21 January 2017
“The duplicitous and slimy major media are obviously engaged in…cares about space travel”.

German Press: “That Was No Presidential Speech; That Was A Declaration Of War”
Zero Hedge | 21 January 2017
Swept away by the tide of…

Pope Warns Against Populism and ‘Saviours’ like Hitler
Yahoo | 21 January 2017
Hitler gave them a…

One Takeaway from Trump’s Inauguration Speech: Gangs
Jon Rappoport | 21 January 2017
Offensive for a president not to…

Trump to CIA: Maybe We’ll Build you a New Room, One Without Columns
YouTube | 21 January 2017
Note Fifth Column below…

Fifth Column
Wikipedia | 21 January 2017
Relates to Trump video above…

Full Speech: Donald Trump CIA Headquarters Statement
YouTube | 21 January 2017
Must be eradicated, just off the face of…

Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Bashes Trump over Speech during CIA Visit
CNN | 21 January 2017
Hallowed ground and the first words…

Trump Accuses Media of Lying about Size of Inauguration Crowds
Boston Globe | 21 January 2017
Not contravene federal…

Worldwide, People Rally in Support of Women’s March on Washington
Washington Post | 21 January 2017
Biggest and drew…

National Park Service BTFO: Agency Ordered to Cease Using Twitter After Mocking Trump Inauguration
Zero Hedge | 21 January 2017
Cause of death…

Mexico Deports 91 Cubans after U.S. Ends ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’
Reuters | 20 January 2017
Stranded in Mexico and…

Regime Change Comes Home: The CIA’s Overt Threats against Trump
ICH | 20 January 2017
Norms are no longer…

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington
NY Times | 20 January 2017
I found out: plenty…

Donald Trump Just Addressed The Nation For The First Time As President
Daily Caller | 20 January 2017
Here’s what he said…

Here’s How the Trump Presidency Will Play Out
Saker | 19 January 2017
Fronts for those who…

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate
Intercept | 18 January 2017

Bikers for Trump Roar Into DC Area With Message of Unity
NBC | 20 January 2017

Trump Inauguration Full Schedule: Parade Route Map, Start Times, Events For 45th President’s Swearing-In
IB Times | 16 January 2017
Swearing-In Ceremony…

How Trump Left Hollywood in the Cold
Politico | 19 January 2017
Shaken that they might not…

Trump Team Prepares Dramatic Cuts
The Hill | 19 January 2017
Commerce and…

“He Is Going To Fail”: Georges Soros Slams “Would Be Dictator” Trump
Zero Hedge | 19 January 2017
Soros said that…

Bushes’ Spokesman: George H.W., Barbara ‘Both on the Upswing’
CNN | 19 January 2017
Updated… 41 is also on the…

Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks 93
Craig Murray | 19 January 2017

YouTube |18 January 2017

Melania Trump Refuses to Act Like a First Lady
Washington Post | 19 January 2017
Good for her…

The Confession of the Criminal John Kerry
Voltaire | 17 January 2017
Public opinion is unaware of…

Does a Rogue Deep State Have Trump’s Back?
Charles Hugh Smith | 17 January 2017
Can’t separate these…

Trump to Take Handful of Executive Actions on Day One: Transition
Yahoo | 17 January 2017

Lockheed Agrees To Cut F-35 Price Below $100 Million In Latest Victory For Trump
Zero Hedge | 18 January 2017
Create jobs…

In an Epic Final Speech, Joe Biden Warns that the Progressive Democratic World Order is at Risk of Collapse
CNBC | 18 January 2017
Greatest threat…

Assange Lawyer: No Extradition Unless Manning Released ‘Immediately’
Twitter | 18 January 2017
Whether that meant…

George H.W. Bush to Trump: Doctor Says Going to Inauguration Could ‘Put Me Six Feet Under’
Politico | 18 January 2017
Stuck in…

Remember Don Siegelman
ICH | 18 January 2017
Karl Rove Gang…

Obama Pardons James Cartwright, General Who Lied to F.B.I. in Leak Case
NY Times | 17 January 2017
Cyberattacks against Iran…

Putin Issues Dire Warning: Western Elites Plotting ‘Soft Coup’ to ‘Not Let Trump Take Office’
Free Thought Project | 17 January 2017
Were behind…soft coup…

Boom: Trump Eyes 10% Spending Cuts, 20% Slash of Federal Workers
Washington Examiner | 17 January 2017

Betsy DeVos’s Education Hearing Erupts Into Partisan Debate
NY TImes | 17 January 2017
National injustice…

Greg Palast: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
BDMCB | 17 January 2017
Deep dive into the Republicans’ dark…

Obama Pardons 2017 Full List: Chelsea Manning, Oscar Lopez Rivera And Others To Get Shortened, Reprieved Sentences
IB Times | 17 January 2017

Former Black Panther Destroys John Lewis on Tucker Carlson Tonight
YouTube | 16 January 2017
Has joined the oppressor…

Another Inauguration Performance Bullied into Cancellation:Jennifer Holliday
WWMT | 16 January 2017
Racist Attacks from Fellow African Americans…

Abolish The CIA
Zero Hedge | 16 January 2017
Crimes against humanity…list…

Trump Vows ‘Insurance for Everybody’ in Replacing Obamacare
Reuters | 16 January 2017
Formulated down to…

Following Plagiarism Revelations, Monica Crowley Bows Out of Trump Administration Post
NBC 26 | 16 January 2017
CNN’s KFile uncovered…

Russian Agent: Who Gave US Uranium to Putin, Trump or Hillary?
Jon Rappoport | 16 January 2017

Trump Team May Move West Wing Briefings to Expand Capacity
Bloomberg | 15 January 2017
Including bloggers and…

The Day’s Events Inauguration Day Events
Senate | 15 January 2017
Most common…

After GOP Appeal, Texas Supreme Court Agrees to Take Up Same-sex Marriage Case
Texas Tribune | 20 January 2017
After pressure from Texas GOP…

Opera Star Andrea Bocelli Backs Out of Singing at Trump’s Inauguration after Receiving Death Threats
Daily Mail | 14 January 2017
She also denounced…

Here Is What Russians Think and Know About Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Pick for Secretary of State (Video)
Russia Insider | 12 January 2017

Trump, Russia, and the Return of Scapegoating, a Timeless American Tradition
Nation | 11 January 2017
No reason to assume the classified…

US Marines Send F-35 Stealth Fighter Squadron to Japan
Daily Mail | 10 January 2017
10 planes to…

The Rise of Political Correctness – A Book Review
Claremont Book Review | Fall 2016
Abandoned for an ever-expanding coalition of…

Since 1980, Growth in Intelligence Spending Has Grown Significantly More Than Defense Spending
FAS | 19 January 2017
Budget data yearly chart…

Libertarian Municipalism
Wikipedia | 16 January 2017
(Local) Citizens’ assemblies in…

Libertarian Municipalism: An Overview
Anarchist Library | 16 January 2017
(Local) Ethical in character and grassroots in…

Executive Order:

Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
White House | 20 January 2017

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