Food & Health - Week of 04.02.17

April 2, 2017

Interview Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Toni Bark – Video
Facebook | April 2017
Preview for April 12th Series…

Sleep Is the New Status Symbol
NY Times | 07 April 2017
A cure for…

Agriculture and Autism: A Perfect Match
Permaculture News | 06 April 2017
Sheltered workshops problematic…

Rich Americans Live up to 15 Years Longer than Poor Peers, Studies Find
The Guardian | 06 April 2017
No Surprises here…

Knoxville, TN Could Be Ground Zero For The Obamacare Explosion
Zero Hedge | 05 April 2017
Map: dwindling insurance choices…

‘More than just Luck’: the Science behind Tom Brady’s Preposterous Longevity
The Guardian | 04 April 2017
Taking Care of What You…

Big Pharma’s Anti-marijuana Stance Aims to Squash the Competition, Activists Say
Guardian | 03 April 2017
Distinct from…

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2, 2017 as World Autism Awareness Day
White House | 02 April 2017
Huge Step Forward…

Judge Says California Must Release Papers Discussing Risk Of Cellphone Use
Safer EMR | 15 March 2017
Radiation Safety…

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