Food & Health – 1st Quarter 2019

January 1, 2019

More than 1 million acres of U.S. cropland ravaged by floods
MSN | 27 March 2019

EU bans UK’s most-used pesticide over health and environment fears
BBC | 29 March 2019

The Places in America that Use the Most (and Least) Pesticides
Price Economics | 30 March 2019

Justice Department Endorses Federal Court Move to Eliminate Obamacare in Its Entirety
Need to Know News | 28 March 2019

TEDx | 13 March 2013

Aidan Umpherson | 02 March 2019

AZ SWAT team breaks into home to remove an unvaccinated toddler after doctor reported his parents to
Twitter/ TraderSef | 28 March 2019

Dear Senator Romney, Vaccine Coercion Will Backfire. A Call for Leadership
Fearless Parent | 26 March 2019

Professor Noakes Found Innocent (Again)!
Nutrion Coalition | 08 June 2018

BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State
Green Media Info | 27 March 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Autism Action Network Team 2019
Group Rev | 28 March 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Farmer’s Footprint the Beginning
Farmer’s Footprint | 25 March 2019

Jury Awards Over $80 Million in Roundup Exposure Case
WSJ | 27 March 2019

Measles outbreak: Rockland County, New York, declares state of emergency
CBS News | 26 March 2019

The Effects of Restore Dietary Supplement on Markers of
Intestinal Permeability and Immune System Function in Healthy Subjects;
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Shopify | 26 March 2019

New York county bans unvaccinated minors from public places
End of The American Dream | 26 March 2019

Purdue Pharma Begins Resolution of Opioid Cases With $270 Million Deal
WSJ | 26 March 2019

Stand up and be counted! It’s your health, your family and your choice.
National Vaccine Info Center | 26 March 2019

Dirty water 20 times deadlier to children in conflict zones than bullets – Unicef
The Guardian | 24 March 2019

Robert F. Kennedy Exposes Bill Gates and his Relationship with Big Pharma
Era of Light | 24 March 2019

Oregon proposed legislation would require health officials to review independent studies on microwave radiation from wireless technology.
EM Facts | 23 March 2019

UPS To Send Nurses For In-Home Vaccinations
Zero Hedge | 23 March 2019

US jury finds Monsanto’s Roundup was a ‘substantial factor’ in causing man’s cancer
RT | 20 March 2019

How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
Mercola | 23 October 2016

This Is a Very Important Video: Free Speech and Shutting Down the Vaccine Debate We feel like this is one of the most important videos we’ve made.
Truth Stream Media | 17 March 2019

Nearly half of cancer patients lose life savings
Undernews | 17 March 2019

A Scientist’s Rebuttal to the Danish Cohort Study
Focus for Health | 13 March 2019

Infanrix Hexa Vaccine Found To Contain 65 Unknown-To-Science Compounds, Latest Corvelva Investigative Assays Reveal
Natural Blaze | 21 December 2018

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons takes a stand against mandatory vaccination
SOTT | 06 March 2019

Routine Vaccination Kills UK Cancer Expert Shortly After The Jab
Activist Post | 11 January 2019

It is Now or Never to Oppose the Fake News & Science Behind Mandatory Vaccines
The National Health Foundation | 08 March 2019

New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Should Rush to Denmark!
Childrens Health Defense | 08 March 2019

‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Bribery, Perjury, Racketeering, and Treason Charged Agains Pro-Vaccination Senators
War on the People | 06 March 2019

Congressman Posey Writes Mark Zuckerberg, Weighing-In on the Facebook Censorship Debate
Childrens Health Defense | 06 March 2019

Vaxxed the Movie
Vimeo | 02 March 2019
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe | Official HD Trailer | CLS
CinemaLibre | 31 March 2016
The Highwire | 04 March 2019

AGF Meck | 30 October 2013

Washington State Health Secretary Claims Lawmakers Are Receiving Death Threats for Proposing Mandatory Vaccines Amid Measles Outbreak
Need to Know News | 05 March 2019

More Americans under the age of 40 are having heart attacks
Market Watch | 08 March 2019

Washington State House Passes Bill Banning Personal Vaccine Exemptions
iHeart | 06 March 2019

How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism
The Hill | 13 January 2019

Second HIV Patient May Be Cured After Stem-Cell Transplant
WSJ | 04 March 2019

Cancer Inc. – Cancer 16
IDM | 00 March 2018

Hook Me Up: Are IV Clinics for You?
Time | 13 January 2013

Action Alert: Urgent: Congressional hearing Wed. on measles outbreak (Pretext to eliminate vaccine exemptions nationally?)
Autism Action Alert | 28 February 2019

YouTube Begins Shutting Down Revenue For Anti-Vaccine Videos
Activist Post | 25 February 2019

These Are the World’s Healthiest Nations
Bloomberg | 24 February 2019

The 5G Apocalypse and Why Health Food Won’t Save You w. Dr. Jack Kurse
Luke Story | 21 February 2018

Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab
NPR | 20 February 2018

Bill Gates backs tiny robotic surgeons that operate from inside a patient’s body
RT | 16 February 2019

The Vaccine Controvery: Can You Spot the Trends? Alan Phillips, J.D. Vaccine Rights Attorney
Mail Chimp| 15 February 2019

Eating Bugs Is the Future of Sustainable Farming?
Austin Chronicle | 15 February 2019

Lincoln startup developing cricket-based foods works to overcome the ick factor
Omaha | 09 February 2019

5G: Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”
Take Back Your Power | 14 February 2019

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

Environmental Health Trust | 08 February 2019

New Study Finds 41% Increase In Cancer Risk From Roundup’s Glyphosate
Zero Hedge | 14 February 2019

Turkish Government Wages War With “Price-Gouging Terrorist, Traitors” As Food Inflation Soars
Zero Hedge | 12 February 2019

Turkish Food Fight Spreads With Fines, Raids as Inflation Stings
Bloomberg | 10 February 2019

Chickens Genetically Modified To Lay Eggs Containing Cancer Drugs
Technocracy | 08 February 2019

California Sees Increase in Cases of Valley Fever, Deadly Fungal Disease
NTD | 07 February 2019

Typhus Epidemic Spreads Across Los Angeles Due to Homeless Population and Rat-Infested Piles of Trash
Need to Know| 04 February 2019

Action Alert: Don’t believe the hype, 75% of measles cases in Rockland County, NY were vaccinated
Autism Action Network | 02 February 2019

A New York Law Has Catapulted Later Abortion Back Into the Political Spotlight. Here’s What the Legislation Actually Does
Time | 01 February 2019

Britain’s Chief Doctor Exits Having Made Poor Case For MMR Safety
Age of Autism | 01 February 2019

Free Article: How to Help Your Child with Autism Overcome Picky Eating
Autism Parenting Magazine | 01 December 2015

Welcome to the Literal Nanny State
Truthstream Media | 31 January 2019
300 Articles on Vaccines Causing/Spreading Disease
Vaccine-injury Info | 31 January 2019

Phantom investigation? France delays report on mystery cases of babies born without arms
RT | 31 January 2019

San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students
SF Chronicle | 31 January 2019

Next Solari Donation
Important Vax Rights Attorney “Witch Hunt” Update!
Mail Chimp | 27 January 2019

Cities and Circular Economy for Food: Building a food system fit for the 21st century and beyond
Ellen MacArthur Foundation | 24 January 2019

North Carolina State Bar Sues Vaccine Rights Attorney in Classic Witch Hunt: How to Help:
Vaccine Rights | 22 January 2019

State of emergency declared in US measles outbreak
Yahoo | 26 January 2019

Indian Army Introduces Yoga for Soldiers – Isha Hatha Yoga

Sadhguru | 25 January 2019

Surviving in a Venezuelan City: “You Have No Clue About How People Really Are When They Are Faced With Hunger”
SHTF Plan | 21 January 2019

Defending a Venezuelan Homestead: “Eventually people will come for what you have”
The Organic Prepper | 07 January 2019

Latest Solari Donation
The Enid Fund for NOFA-VT: A movement of over 1,000 organic farmers, thousands of homesteaders, gardeners, mindful eaters and cooks, hundreds of businesses, all working together on a shared vision for what Vermont agriculture can be
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont | 21 January 2019

Latest Solari Action Alert
US Take Action: NY Times calls for eliminating religious and secular exemptions
NY, CT and ME moving on ending exemption

Autism Action Network | 21 January 2019

Zap: How Electric Therapy Is Curing Navy SEALs of PTSD … And Could Remake Brain Science
Defense One | 20 January 2019

Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers Face $1 Billion Suit For Infecting Guatemalan Hookers With Syphilis
Zero Hedge | 19 January 2019

Costco to be the First Major Retailer to Dump Monsanto’s Roundup and Glyphosate Herbicide from its Shelves
Waking Times | 18 January 2019

WHO List Anti-Vaccine Movement As One Of Top 2019 Threats
Vaxxter | 17 January 2019

Owners of Company That Makes Oxycontin Boasted the Drug Would Create a “Prescription Blizzard”
Need to Know | 17 January 2019

Organic farming growing
Undernews | 17 January 2019

AeroMexico offers new ‘DNA Discounts’ in viral ad campaign
The Hill | 17 January 2019

How silicon makes Israel’s desert bloom
The Economist | 12 January 2019

‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020
RT | 12 January 2019

2018: Confirmation – Reports Of Bugs And Birds Nearly Gone
Rense | 08 August 2018

For Immediate Release: Contact: Jo Kline 515/975-8524 Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient! Power Patients Get Prepped at First-in-the-Nation Seminar Health literacy is the path to better health outcomes and patient safety.
Event Sign up: Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient!
Poster: Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient! | 11 January 2019

Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD | Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll| 08 January 2019

GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health

YouTube | 11 March 2018

How to Prevent Parkinson’s Disease with Diet and Lifestyle
Chris Kresser | 10 January 2019

T R U T H .
SGT report | 9 January 2019

Explanatory Video: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services
USPSTF | January 2019

U.S. shutdown sends grain traders, farmers hunting for data
Reuters | 11 January 2019

Attkisson Report Reveals Threats Against Congressmen Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
The Vaccine Reaction | 09 January 2019
FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 – The Vaccination Debate

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson | 07 January 2019

Breaking: Golden Globe freaks out stars giving out “flu shots” live on TV, making anti vaxxer jokes
Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News | 06 January 2019

C.E.O. Resigns Over Case of Woman in Vegetative State Who Gave Birth After Sexual Assault

NY Times | 07 January 2019

Victims unknowingly implanted with RFID chips

hacker95242 | 02 December 2012

NYC Mayor Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All in Historic Surprise Announcement
NBC News | 08 January 2019

Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare
Washington Examiner | 08 January 2019

Robert F. Kennedy, JR: Vaccine Big Pharma has Total Legal Immunity
Giza Death Star | 03 January 2019

2019 Will Be “The Year of the Vegan,” Major News Outlets Declare
Mercy for Animals | 26 December 2018

Yale experiment to reanimate dead brains promises ‘living hell’ for humans
Telegraph | 06 May 2018

Is Arthritis in Childhood Becoming the “New Normal”—Are Vaccines to Blame?
Childrens Health Defense | 08 January 2018

Overloading On Vitamin C?
Dr Weil | 23 May 2018
Why Vitamin D is Measured in “IU”
The Health Reporter | 12 October 2015

Human Body Collapse Disorder

HeavenSent Enterprises | 18 October 2017

Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning

SHAKA Movement | 19 August 2015

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDx Skidmore College

TEDx Talks | 22 December 2013

What You Don’t Know About Flavor Enhancers Can Harm You
Mercola | 01 September2011

2015: Heroin Overdose Deaths Nearly Quadruple in 13 Years
Live Science | 04 March 2015

Go To: 4th Quarter 2018

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