Food for the Soul:  Oscar Movie Season

Darlene Heckman
February 4, 2022

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout

The Oscar season in Hollywood is like the Baltic sea after a storm, when crumbs of precious amber are churned up to the surface. Various movies that would perhaps go unnoticed at any other time are being re-released and submitted by their producers. That’s how you can discover cinematic gems, of all genres, that might have a hard time reaching an audience through a theatrical release. The domestic theatrical box office in the U.S. in 2021 was down 61% from previous years, and it certainly seems likely to stay depressed for many months to come. The hunger for new entertainment is being satisfied mainly through streaming. The movie theater exception is action blockbusters like the newly released Spider-Man: No Way Home—which already has garnered over $880 million in worldwide box office—but dramas and documentaries are still mostly finding their audiences as home entertainment.

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