Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

Darlene Heckman
September 1, 2022
Guo Pei. Collection: 1002 Nights, 2010. Dress: Hand-painted silk, embroidered with silk threads, Swarovski crystals. Photo: The artist Image provided courtesy the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

By Nina Heyn — Your Culture Scout

Art museums sometimes showcase outstanding fashion designs, often presenting historical collections of artists who long ago earned their place in the pantheon of couture. Over the last few years, I have seen Chanel, Galliano, and Yves St. Laurent retrospectives in Paris, an Alexander McQueen show that is currently at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and a display of Vivienne Westwood creations in Edinburgh. Even in this exclusive company of legendary couturiers, Guo Pei, a contemporary Chinese designer, is exceptional. Her show entitled “Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy,” recently mounted by the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco, goes beyond the simple presentation of high-fashion ideas.

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