The Best of The Solari Report 2021 - The Special Reports

brigitte mouchet
December 30, 2021
Solari North American Video Server (European Mirror)
The Best of The Solari Report 2021 – The Special Reports
The Best of The Solari Report 2021 – The Special Reports

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." ~ Isaiah Chapter 43:19

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This coming Thursday, December 30th, we will close the year with the best of our Special Solari Reports for the year. Our intention with these reports published throughout the year is to contribute to public discussions beyond the Solari subscriber base. We hope this “best of” gives you a chance to catch up on those Special Solari Reports you may not have had a chance to listen to or watch.

Our first selection is How Do I Find the Christ? with Thomas Meyer. This was the first discussion of our new series, Spiritual Science Academy, a series focusing on the philosophy and teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Why create a Spiritual Science Academy? Because we believe one of the most important things we can do at this time is nurture the divinity in ourselves and in those around us. Thomas is one of the teachers who has most inspired me to do so.

This year we spent a lot of time trying to figure out the secret ingredients in the Covid-19 injections and how they relate to the creepy technology that is supposed to integrate with AI and robotics to form the so-called “smart grid”—or what we prefer to call the “control grid.” Several of our Special Solari Reports provided insights into this topic. Therefore, our selection includes A Conversation about Iron with Ulrike Granögger and David O’Hagan; my discussion with Whitney Webb on Big Money, Creepy Technology, & #CashFriday; and a discussion on the potential of blockchain technology to lead the human race to a state of poverty and slavery—Weaponizing Blockchain: Profiting on the Growth of Inequality with Alison McDowell.

For Let’s Go to the Movies, I chose Joyeux Noël, a heartwarming movie that will likely move you to tears. Athough fictionalized, this movie about a cease-fire on Christmas Eve during World War I is based on a true story.

Our next Money & Markets will publish on January 6, 2022. Post your questions for me at the commentary here, at Subscriber Input, or send them to Ask Catherine. We will publish our News Trends & Stories discussion with Joseph for the 2021 Annual Wrap Up on January 6 and 13, 2022.

On behalf of the entire Solari team, we wish you again a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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