Metanoia Series: Energy Healing with Debra Branda-Canady

brigitte mouchet
September 30, 2021

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein

By Junious Ricardo Stanton

The Metanoia Series focuses on personal transformation, growth, and self-actualization. In this interview, I speak with Debra Branda-Canady, an entrepreneur, mystic, and Reiki Master. She shares her journey from organized religion to ancient earth-based spirituality, discussing how she was introduced to energy healing and how she learned to embrace the subtle forces around us.

Please join us as we explore the process of personal expansion and the deeper potentialities available to us.

ForĀ Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine recommends a 2020 documentary, The Truffle Hunters, portraying a different type of life that you may actually find very inspiring.

This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine for the first week of October or post them at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Talk to you on Thursday!

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