3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Claire Viadro
October 27, 2022

A Short Preview (login for full interview):

The family was the greatest risk-management mechanism ever created. The family is
what will keep us human.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts

By Catherine Austin Fitts

In the last week of October, we begin the publication of our 3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joins me for Part I of News Trends & Stories; we will continue with Part II the following week. Both segments were recorded on October 9, 2022.

Prompted by our 3rd Quarter theme—Building Wealth—we are shifting our focus to an even greater emphasis on actions and solutions. Recognizing that each person’s circumstances are unique, we hope our discussion will help you determine the actions you can take and the tactics that are right for you.

In Part I, Dr. Farrell and I will discuss headlines, actions, and resources for the first three parts of the following six-part framework, with special emphasis on risk management:

Part #1: Your Free and Inspired Life
Part #2: Navigation Tools
Part #3: Risk Management
Part #4: Living Equity
Part #5: Financial Equity
Part #6: Turtle Forth

We will also review the top stories of the quarter and our perennial list of unanswered questions. In addition, the News Trends & Stories section of the 3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up web presentation includes our complete trends list and our top news videos for the quarter. The web presentation link will be in your subscriber links when Part I publishes.

After publishing the two parts of News Trends & Stories, we will continue with the Equity Overview on November 17 and the “Building Wealth” theme for the 3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up in the first week of December.

Money & Markets

In the last week of the month, there is no Money & Markets. The next Money & Markets will publish on November 3. Post questions for Catherine or John Titus at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Related Solari Reports:

2nd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I

2nd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II

1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I

1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II

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