3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up - News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

brigitte mouchet
October 7, 2021

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.
Who controls the energy can control whole continents.
Who controls money can control the world.”

~ Henry Kissinger

“I am being frank about myself in this book. I tell of my first mistake on page 850.”
~ also Henry Kissinger

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This coming week, we publish our 3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up with Part I of News Trends & Stories. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, scholar, ally, and proprietor of Giza Death Star, will join me to review the 10 Top Stories and related Unanswered Questions in the first two categories: Economy & Financial Markets and Geopolitics.

We will examine how the Going Direct Reset continues to evolve as we look at the most important events from the last quarter in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world. The pushback against centralized control has begun, with millions of people demonstrating, speaking up, or quitting their jobs to protect their health, freedoms, and businesses.

Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals, & Currencies

Story #1: The Going Direct Reset
Story #2: The Slow Burn, Financial Coup d’Etat, and WWIII
Story #3: BIS, CBDC, Cryptocurrencies, Stablecoins, Non-Fungible Tokens, and the Push for Digital Financial Control
Story #4: The Smart Grid and “Climate Change”
Story #5: Sovereignty, Property Rights, and Taxation: The Rubber Meets the Road

Unanswered Questions

Question #1: Missing Money
Question #2: FASAB 56
Question #3: The Climate Change Op
Question #4: Reengineering of U.S. Government & Global Taxation and Military
Question #5: Land and Real Estate
Question #6: Economic and Legal Uncertainties


Story #6: The Rise of Global Control and U.S. Decline: Could the U.S. Break Up?
Story #7: The South China Sea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Rise of Chinese Hegemony in Asia and Realignments in Europe
Story #8: A Changing Middle East: Netanyahu Out, U.S. Out, and Corporate, Chinese, and Russian Investment In
Story #9: The Brutality of the Commonwealth Lockdowns, AUKUS, and the Relationship to Antarctica
Story #10: Big $ Packages: $650 Billion SDRs, $21 Trillion Missing Money, $96 Trillion Adjustments, $3.5 Trillion Going Direct, Skyrocketing Repos/Derivatives, $3.5 Trillion “Build Back Better,” Dark Pools, FASAB 56, and the Management of Inflation/Deflation

Unanswered Questions

Question #7: U.S. Military Mandates
Question #8: China, the Quad, Space, and the Risks of War
Question #9: Cui Bono Afghanistan?
Question #10: Anglosphere Down Under and Fortress Australia
Question #11: Historical Plague Laws and the Sweep of History
Question #12: Who Is Mr. Global?

As you listen, check out the News Trends & Stories section of the 3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up web presentation, which includes our trends list, our choices for top news videos of the quarter, and our headlines for the top stories. The link will be in your subscriber links when Part I publishes on Thursday.

The following week, in News Trends & Stories, Part II, Dr. Farrell and I will cover the 10 Top Stories in Culture; Science & Technology; Space; and Food & Health. We will also discuss related Unanswered Questions; Take Action; and Inspiration.

In the third week of October, Jason Worth will join me for the Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology to review financial market performance and discuss the pros and cons of hedging equity positions in this market.

In the last week of October, attorney Carolyn Betts will join me to discuss our theme: Taxation: With or Without Representation?

For Let’s Go to the Movies, check out Headwind”21, a new documentary about the green industry not being as “green” as it may seem. This is another documentary that reminds us that we have an opportunity to improve our use of precious resources—whether our forests or our pension funds.

In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and I will go over current events and discuss the financial and geopolitical news to watch for in October. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Please join me with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell this Thursday, October 7th, for the 3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I.

Talk to you Thursday!

Related Solari Reports:

3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – Our Money web presentation

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