3rd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories Part I with Dr. Joseph Farrell

Catherine Austin Fitts
October 1, 2020

A Preview:

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." ~ St. Paul, Galatians 5:1

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This Thursday, we publish the first in our two-part publication of the News Trends & Stories for the 3rd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joins me for our review of what has happened since our 2nd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up. In Part I, we look at the top stories so far this year in Economy & Financial Markets and Geopolitics. We also fill in the Trump Report Card for the 3rd Quarter.

Next week in Part II, we will look at the top stories in Culture, Science & Technology, Space, and Food & Health as well as our list of Unanswered Questions.

Citizens and communities are slowly beginning to appreciate the outlines of the global reset—and the spiritual, legal, and economic warfare under way. This war is centuries old, and there can be no doubt that while things are coming to a head, the process is likely to take years to sort through. The friction created by the central bankers’ “reinvention” of both governance and financial systems and the related competition for highly centralized technocratic control and management of natural resources have just begun. I am reminded of one Tennessee preacher who opened his sermon the Sunday after 9/11, saying: “Ladies & Gentlemen, rush hour cometh.”

Our theme for the 3rd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up is Visions of Freedom. We celebrate the visions of artists who have inspired the enlightenment of man and our covenant of freedom. We are part of a rich history and tradition. It’s time to invite our ancestors and the wisdom and inspiration of the ages into our renewed commitment to freedom by divine authority. We choose a human culture—not one that strips mankind of all forms of sovereignty. Let’s infuse our consciousness and those around us with visions of Freedom.

Here are my choices for the top stories for Part I:

Economy & Financial Markets:

  • Story #1: The Going Direct Global Reset Consolidates the Financial Coup
  • Story #2: The Fed and Private Equity Piratize the U.S.
  • Story #3: Planet Equity and Real Assets Inflate
  • Story #4: The Internet of Things Gold Rush Embraces Transhumanism
  • Story #5: Mark of the Beast: Central Bank Cryptos Get Serious


  • Story #6: The U.S.-China Stealth War Escalates – The Quad Emerges
  • Story #7: Europe: Can the Middle Empire Manage the AI Superpowers?
  • Story #8: The Magic Virus: The Shortcut to Central Control
  • Story #9: Weaponized People Are Used to Fake Civil Wars
  • Story #10: Can We Talk About the Israeli Organized Crime Problem?
  • Trump Report Card

You will find the stories and related headlines in the News Trends & Stories section of our 3rd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up Web Presentation. We will post a link to it when we publish the audios on Thursday.

In Let's Go to the Movies, I will discuss Braveheart—the story of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce as they led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. Mel Gibson plays William Wallace. Here is his freedom speech to his fellow Scots, presumably at the Battle of Stirling Bridge:

Wallace’s speech resonates with the words of the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, written eight years before Robert the Bruce finally defeated the English. “For we fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honors, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.”

Post your questions for Ask Catherine and story suggestions for Money & Markets for this week here.

Talk to you Thursday!

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