“This isn’t the end of the road to totalitarianism, but I’m pretty sure we are in the home stretch. It feels like things are about to get ugly. […] So pick a side, if you haven’t already. But, before you do, maybe look back at the history of totalitarian systems, which, for some reason, never seem to work out for the totalitarians, at least not in the long run. I’m not a professional philosopher or anything, but I suspect that might have something to do with some people’s inextinguishable desire for freedom, and our willingness to fight for it, sometimes to the death. This kind of feels like one of those times.”
~ CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory: “The Road to Totalitarianism,” July 31, 2021
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, we finalize our 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up by discussing our theme: CBDCs—Why You Want to Hold on to Your Cash with John Titus.
It is essential to understand the proposals underway. In my opinion, CBDCS (central bank digital currencies) are an essential part of the ongoing financial coup d’état which—if successful—will end constitutional government and human liberties in the U.S. and G7 nations. You need to take this seriously. If the existing plans are implemented for vaccine passports, you will not have to worry about how to manage your assets. It is possible that you may not have any assets. So, this is a topic well worth your attention and action.
If you are not yet practicing #CashFriday (or using cash every day) and talking to your local merchants about using the Silver & Gold Payment Calculator, you will certainly want to start after you learn more.
Please join me for the 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up on CBDCs with John Titus.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I recommend Children of Men, a 2006 movie about a dark future where humanity is facing its own extinction due to fertility issues.
This is the last week of the month, so there is no Money & Markets. You can e-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Please join me this Thursday, July 26, for the 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – CBDCs.
Talk to you Thursday!
Web Presentation
Our 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up web presentation is a work in progress that grows as we publish our weekly segments. Solari Report subscribers can access it here. Use your Solari password to login.
Related Solari Reports:
2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories, Part I
2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories, Part II
2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology with Tim Caban