1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

brigitte mouchet
April 15, 2021

"Notice: For the avoidance of doubt, if your regulatory body does not immediately suspend its ’emergency’ recommendation of potentially dangerous inadequately tested gene-based ‘vaccines,’ while the matters which we have highlighted to you are properly investigated, we hereby put the European Medicines Agency on notice of being complicit in medical experimentation, in violation of the Nuremberg Code, which thereby constitutes the commission of crimes against humanity." ~ Rebuttal letter to European Medicines Agency (EMA) from Doctors for COVID Ethics, April 2, 2021

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This coming week, we continue the publication of our 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up with Part II of News Trends & Stories. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell will join me again to review the 10 top stories in the last four categories: Culture; Science & Technology; Space; and Food & Health. We will also discuss Unanswered Questions; Inspiration; and Take Action.

As the pressure continues to increase on all fronts, along with the propaganda, we have arrived at a point where we need to take action. The promotion of “vaccine passports”—which I am confident will be married with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and centrally controlled payment systems—is a sign that governments around the world are moving toward a totalitarian system, which is not far from slavery, using health threats as a justification. Christians refer to such a system as the “Mark of the Beast.” We need to recognize this and act accordingly. Sending notices of liability to your government officials can help prevent them from moving forward with the central bankers’ agenda.


Story #11: Has the War on God Accelerated?
Story #12: Is Mr. Global Moving to Establish Private Central Ownership and Control of Education and Children?
Story #13: The Power of the Field: Is There an Energetic and Artistic Push Around Lockdowns?

Science & Technology

Story #14: Are Big Tech and Social Media Leading the Engineering of Censorship?
Story #15: Why Are Injection Makers Trumpeting Installing Operating Systems and Plug & Play Apps in Humans?


Story #16: Space and Non-Lethal Weapons: What Is the Winner-Take-All Question?
Story #17: SPACs and Space: Are SPACs Just Missing an ā€œEā€?

Food & Health

Story #18: Is the Roll Up of Farmland and Groceries Accompanied by Growing Synthetic Food Investment?
Story #19: The Injection Fraud: Is the Shriek-o-Meter Doubling Down on Public Fear? The Nursing Home Killing Fields Terrify.
Story #20: The Pandemic Heroes Stand Up to the Great Poisoning and Engineering of Societal Submission.

As you listen, check out the News Trends & Stories section of the 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up web presentation, which includes our trends list, our choices for top news videos of the quarter, and our headlines for the top stories. The link will be in your subscriber links when Part II publishes on Thursday.

Stay tuned for our 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up theme: Take Action 2021 in the last two weeks of April.

In Let's Go to the Movies, I will review one of my favorite movies, The Outlaw Josey Wales, about one man’s efforts to create law in a lawless world.

In Money & Markets this week, I will cover current events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical news to watch for in 2021. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.

Please join me this Thursday, April 15th, for the 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II.

Talk to you Thursday!

Related Solari Reports:

1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: Equity Overview
1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I
1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – Take Action 2021 web presentation

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