Catherine’s Money & Markets Report: October 3, 2019

Justin Woods
September 20, 2019

By Catherine Austin Fitts


Long Knives in the Three Western Power Centers


  • Black Budget Mortgage Fraud to the Moon – Mcuchin proposes Full Faith Credit Wrap For Freddie and Fannie
  • Trump Threatens US Delisting for Chinese Stocks
  • Fed & the Repo Market – Emerging Market Debt & European Banks
  • Oil and the Dollar
  • Farrell on phased array retrofit of Navy Ships – is HAARP delivery now mobile?
  • Senate Passes Stopgap Spending Measure
  • Trump Impeachment Inquiry: What he did that rang the bell. Repo and Budget Distraction, Democrats Get Rid of Biden & Dirty Ukraine Dirt, and/or Republicans & Intel Engineering Regime Change?
  • Day after Pelosi pulls the switch – Netanyahu Invited to Form Government – Congress leaves town for 2 weeks
  • Liquidity Crunch: US Dollar Bear Trap, Tax Time, US Deficit Needs & Fed Repos to QE
  • Cutting Interest Rates – The Trust Factor
  • US Budget & Debt Spiral
  • China, Hong Kong & Taiwan
  • India, Pakistan & Kashmir: Do Silk Road Investors Want Nuclear Gun Control in Muslim Countries?
  • The Brexit Box
  • October 3 – Netanyahu’s Day in Court
  • Weaponizing Children: Salem Witch Trial, Hilter Youth, Cultural Revolution, Animal Farm, Whacky Voting Age Proposals
  • Multipolar Pile On: Carney, Macron, Lavrov; Trump Pile On; Mattis, Tillerson, Napolitano
  • The Yellow Jackets Keep on
  • When will the corporate and high yield bond crunches bite?
  • Truth in Accounting State Report
  • Vatican police raid top offices in financial investigation
  • NY Story: Evening of Breakdown of Impulse Control at 21st between Park and Lex


News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph Farrell.


Boone Pickens

Let’s Go to the Movies:

Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of Harvey Weinstein

Blast from the Past

Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales

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