Catherine’s Money & Markets Report: November 7, 2019

Justin Woods
October 25, 2019

By Catherine Austin Fitts


  • China digital currency
  • California Fires & Power Outages
  • ABC News/Disney/Blackrock & Epstein Story
  • Aramco IPO on Saudi Exchange
  • Banks offer cash rewards at 6%+
  • US Debt surpasses $23 Trillion
  • JEDI contract awarded to Microsoft
  • 1 MM march in Chile
  • Signs of Recession
  • Brexit – British Elections
  • US Political Furball
  • American Harvest & Crop Loss; Farm closings and bankruptcies
  • Fed bumps and predicts a pause
  • FT: Goldman estimates funded status of the US corporate defined benefit system has dropped to 86%
  • Technocracy Grows under Trump: Internal Passports, Smart Cities For Profit Social Credit


The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker


Hallmark’s American-Humane Hero Dog Award 2019 Winner

Let’s Go to the Movies:

The New Silk Road

Blast from the Past

Anne Wiliamson on the “Rape of Russia” Testimony

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