Catherine's Money & Markets Report: January 23, 2020

Justin Woods
January 17, 2020


A Storm Warning & The Thucydides Trap
-Who can handle the power of new technology?


  • VERY BIG – BIS cryptocurrency task force launches with Swiss National Bank, Sweden, UK and Canada, without the Fed
  • Impeachment Trial Begins – Government reengineering (cut and run) being whited out? Personal corruption of series of US administrations/Congress is too dysfunctional
  • DOD has $35 Trillion of Adjustments in 2019. Are US and occupied territories being stripped of remaining assets with Fed accomodating? Is US preparing for war?
  • Why is US not listening to Mattis Betting on invisible weapons and converting space to war fighting domain?
  • Is Putin preparing for war?
  • Did Pompeo really say what he just said about deterence with Russia and China?
  • Will Israel (& Beverly Hills) and Iran start a war?
  • #my212020 Poster
  • Equity Market Highs
  • White House Considers Changing Overseas Bribe Law: Bribing to augment buybacks?
  • Warning: Microsoft demands to upgrade Windows 10
  • Sberbank CEO predicts radical world order changes ahead – could happen at any time
  • Developments in Virginia re: 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities/Senator Chase Warning
  • The next biotech nightmare: lab grown calories
  • Take Action – remove dual passport citizens from government, limit election periods, cap donations
  • VPRO International (Dutch) presentaton on Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism
  • Trump warns against Climate Change Doomers at Davos
  • The US political mess: Bloomberg spending, Hillary Clinton: New Documentary, Meghan Meeting, Google Whistleblowers wife – sure looks like she is running – “What about me” drama queens help destroy Anglo-American alliance
  • Jedi Contract is awarded: DOD issues $1MM training order under Jedi
  • Did MBS have Bezo hacked?
  • Healthy Sign – Facts Matter – Niall Ferguson from Davos on Climate Change Op & Trump
  • EU President to China – We want action on C02


The 2019 Annual Wrap Up – Deep State Tactics 101, Parts VI-VIII

Take Action

Coming Clean: Detoxing with Dr. Laura Thompson


Hero of the Week: January 23, 2020 – Herman Gref CEO of Sberbank

Let’s Go to the Movies:

Deep State Tatics: Movies & Documentaries

Blast from the Past

Narco Dollars for Beginners

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