Catherine's Money & Markets Report: January 2, 2020

Justin Woods
December 13, 2019


The Renewing of Our Minds


  • Markets go “risk off” on assassination of Iranian General
  • New News Trends & Stories format
  • FDA Approves Ebola Vaccine & Illinois Nursing Home Report
  • Biowarfare Burger – 18 Milion X’s the estrogen of a Whopper
  • French electricians shut down electricity to French central bank
  • German, Dutch & French Farmers Saving the Planet
  • German farmers drive their tractors en masse to Berlin
  • The Boeing Saga: Is Boeings mission to produce higher stock prices or great planes?
  • Food Inflation
  • Brexit
  • South African Collapse – a reminder of what happens when politics control utility systems rather than productivity
  • The Impeachment Furball
  • Kiplinger: Dollar OK because Euro in trouble
  • Connect the Dots: SECURE Act + placebased multi-employer retirement plans + SEC new Accredited Investor rules for PE + Mnuchin’s proposal for federal credit privately issued mortgage wraps + Opportunity Zones + IOT + Space Force = the mother of all housing and real estate bubbles – CREDIT GALORE
  • China Premier Warns of Slow Down
  • $17T of capital gains in 2019
  • The 2020 Calendar – Events to watch for in 2020 – Coming 1/16


2019 Annual Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Take Action

Books for 2020


2019 Hero of the Year – Leonardo da Vinci

Let’s Go to the Movies:

2019 Movie of the Year – Yellowstone

Blast from the Past

Turtle Forth

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