Catherine's Money & Markets Report: February 13, 2020

Justin Woods
February 8, 2020


Guard Your Heart…and The Chicken Heart that Ate Up NYC


  • Unanswered questions about Professor Lieber – can we solve the mystery?
  • Coronavirus: Latest statistics and economic impact
  • Aerobic transfer, up to 24 day incubation, 2.88%-5% mortality rate
  • NHF – cure exists, vaccine likely more dangerous than virus
  • Ambrose Pritchard says this could be a black swan
  • GS&Co – Little impact on the stock market
  • Baltic Dry Index goes negative
  • Buying Francis Boyle’s book on biowarfare on the 8th try – and what it says about Amazon and its cloud
  • The Mormon Church’s $100B Wealth Fund
  • Trump fires 70 holdovers from NSC
  • Trump Budget – cuts in social safety net
  • Pence confirms tax cuts 2.0 coming
  • Another remarkable food supply coincidence – Locust swarms now in Iran and Pakistan
  • Duterte of Philippines notifies U.S. of cancellation of bilateral security pact
  • Modi’s party is crushed in regional elections – thank you Indian people
  • Senate passes War Powers Act – AT LAST!
  • It’s time to stockpile…


The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – U.S.-Iran Relations

Take Action:

Campaign #My212020

Hero: Del Matthew Bigtree

Let’s Go to the Movies: The Russian Five

Blast from the Past: The Chicken Heart that Ate Up New York City

Other Links:

Global death statistics
List of China’s Largest Trading Partners

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