Catherine’s Money & Markets Report: June 13, 2019

Justin Woods
June 7, 2019

By Catherine Austin Fitts


Insist on a Human Future – Be Inspired by 1MM Young People in Hong Kong

  • Turtle Forth through the Technocratic Tsunami


  • Tanker Sabatoge in Gulf – Higher Prices or False Flag?
  • Time to Educate/Spread Intel on the Missing Money (and with it all 1,000 issues which are symptoms of existing governance) –
  • Stop waiting for top down saviors – note latest EOs
  • Trump and the Brits Bury the Hatchet
  • Trump goes full on NWO: GMOs, FASAB 56
  • F-35 Negotiation
  • United Technologies Announces Acquisition of Raytheon
  • US-Mexican Negotiations
  • Trade War Updates
  • Hong Kong: 1 MM March Against Extradition Law
  • Assange & Extradition Case Against Kim Dot Com
  • Unusual Deaths, Suicides, Crashes and Murders are Piling Up
  • The Master Switch: the Deep State Ready to Take Control from Groovy Enterprenuers
  • Indian Space Program – Space Stations, Anti Satellite test, Weapons
  • Chernobyl debate – did the American’s “stuxnext” Chernobyl?
  • Alibaba files in Hong Kong
  • Tech Companies Leaving China?
  • Sovereign Debt Market Deterioration


Jon Stewart

Let’s Go to the Movies:

The Kingsman, Sean Parker

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