Catherine’s Money & Markets Commentary: December 6th, 2018

Justin Woods
November 24, 2018

By Catherine Austin Fitts


    Cotton Candy Land

  • The Passing of George H. W. Bush – Who will run the Deep State?
  • The leaders of the financial coup d’etat gather in Washington to pay respects as the NYTimes and Washington Post pooh-pooh that the trillions missing from the US accounts are real. They sure looked real at the funeral.
  • The Latest Missing Money “Op”
  • Harvard goes dark, now DOD (aka Treasury and ESF) goes dark – the stock market and Treasury bond market are now dark; how will we function with no pricing mechanism?


  • Fed & ECB
  • G20 Meeting & the Mueller-Ukraine Games To Top Putin and Trump from Talking – Putin Proceeds with Summit with China and India
  • Brussels Sets Out Plan for Euro to Challenge Dollar Dominance
  • Brexit Update
  • Ohio Takes Bitcoin for Tax Payments
  • California Fires – 911 West? – Cash flows on disaster recovery, mortgages and mortgage fraud, tightening of housing and construction markets – relationship to Pelosi’s win of speaker position – California leads the way on deeper North America corporate profits for MAGA: related reading: Early Thermal Warfare and The Phoenix Program
  • Deutsche Bank Raid – Brexit, Trump Loans and Dirty Money
  • FDIC and OCC propose to no longer require human appraisals up to $400,000 – what could POSSIBLY go wrong? FHA announces $14 billion of losses from faulty appraisals.
  • French Protests over Gas Tax
  • Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng in Canada, faces extradition to U.S. as a result of a DOJ investigation into whether Chinese telecom giant sold gear to Iran despite sanctions

    The Transhumanist Pile On

  • Lab grown meat being introduced through FDA
  • Lab grown brains in U of California
  • 1,000 X Strength opioid released
  • Thermal warfare prototype moves to thermal genocide – Californians still pretending it is not happening – so they can and will escalate
  • Celine Dion launches satanic gender neutral clothing line…
  • Designer babies in Hong Kong – gene editing is launched
  • A woman with a transplanted uterus from deceased donor has given birth to a healthy baby girl


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Let’s Go to the Movies

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Related Reading:

Cotton Candy Land: A Review of Nick Brady’s A Way of Going
Did Dick Cheney Double Dip?
Meditations at the Crossroads
The Worricker Trilogy
Wikipedia: Phoenix Program
Wikipedia: Early Thermal Weapons

Subscriber Charts Close of December 5, 2018:

Set One: Asia, Commodities, Precious Metals and Brazil

Set Two: Emerging Markets, Europe-Asia-Australia, Frontier, India, International Equities, International Equities Minus U.S.

Set Three: Global Health Care, Europe, Germany, Greece, $ US Dollar, Fixed Income: 20 Year Treasury, 7-10 Year Treasury, Aggregate Treasury

Set Four: US Robotics, US Domestics, US Home Builders, S&P 500 Large Cap, Dow Jones REIT, US Real Estate, S&P 500, High Yield Bond, US Dollar, Gold Miners

Subscriber Charts AM November 29, 2018:

Set One: Asia, Commodities, Precious Metals and Brazil

Set Two: Emerging Markets, Europe-Asia-Australia, Frontier, India, International Equities, International Equities Minus U.S.

Set Three: Global Health Care, Europe, Germany, Greece, $ US Dollar, Fixed Income: 20 Year Treasury, 7-10 Year Treasury, Aggregate Treasury

Set Four: US Robotics, US Domestics, US Home Builders, S&P 500 Large Cap, Dow Jones REIT, US Real Estate, S&P 500, High Yield Bond, US Dollar, Gold Miners

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