Book Review: The Global Economy as You've Never Seen It by Thomas Ramge and Jan Schwochow with Adrian Garcia-Landa

Darlene Heckman
January 19, 2020

"Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space."
~ Edward R. Tufte

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Thomas Ramge and Jan Schwochow hail from Berlin.

Ramge is the author of more than a dozen nonfiction books, including Who's Afraid of AI and Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data, coauthored with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. He writes for The Economist—a magazine defined by excellence in illustration and graphics.

Jan Schwochow is the founder of Infographics, a group that describes themselves as follows: "Our world has become a place of too much information and too little insight. At the Infographics Group, we explore, condense and convey the facts as a narrative designed to deliver awareness and understanding."

Together they have created a new masterpiece of economics infographics—The Global Economy As You've Never Seen It—with a credit for fellow Berlin journalist Adrian Garcia-Landa.

This book is big, it's bright, and it presents 197 pages of ingenious infographics that do a remarkable job of helping you understand and appreciate the global economy. I have read it once. I am going to read it again. This is a book to leave in your den or near your desk to digest and think about at least one infographic a day until you have fully digested all that it has to offer.

This is also a great book to help you teach your kids how the global economy works. Who says economics can't be family fun?

The book's promo is right: "See the global economy as you never have before in this fully illustrated, full-color, ingeniously constructed tour of all its key components, deconstructed piece by piece in 99 illuminating infographics."

Related reading:

Thomas Ramge
The Experiment Publishing
Barnes and Noble – Buy the Book

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