Book Review: Responsible Investing: by Matthew W. Sherwood & Julia Pollard

Darlene Heckman
July 29, 2019

“This textbook provides the first holistic resource on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing for undergraduate and graduate programs. It provides a thorough background and history of ESG investing, as well as cutting-edge industry developments, in a way that introduces the reader to the rapidly developing field of responsible investing.” ~ Preface, Responsible Investing

By Catherine Austin Fitts

ESG investment is growing rapidly. According to the Global Sustanability Investment Alliance 2018 Report, investments screened or analyzed for such criteria are now valued at $30 trillion globally.

Responsible Investment An Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment has just been published by two investment professionals – Matthew W. Sherwood & Julia Pollard. Sherwood. is director of public markets investments at MMBB Financial Services. Pollard is a financial associate with Bernstein Private Wealth Management, a division of AllianceBernstein.

Intended as a textbook for both undergraduate and graduate programs, Responsible Investing provides the reader with a current introduction to ESG investment history, practice and industry.

The authors do not address all of the risks that ESG will be used as a political tool, including to achieve technocracy – you can find a discussion of such risks in our 1st Quarter 2019 Wrap Up.

Related Links:

1st Quarter 2019 Wrap Up – Will ESG Turn the Red Button Green?

3rd Quarter Wrap Up – Investment Screening: Can We Filter For Productive Companies?

Global Sustainable Investment Report 2018

Responsible Investing at Barnes & Noble

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