Book Review: Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak

Catherine Austin Fitts
January 5, 2020

“In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews. The extent of the persecution and discrimination aginst non-Jews inflicted by the “Jewish state” with the support of organized diaspora Jews is also enormously greater than the suffering inflicted on Jews by regimes hostile to them. Although the struggle against antisemitism (and of all other forms of racism) should never cease, the struggle againt Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism, which must include a critique of classical Judaism, is now of equal or greater importance.” ~ Israel Shahak

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Israel Shahak was an Israeli professor of organic chemistry at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Shahak was born in the Warsaw ghetto and was a survivor of Belsen who settled in Israel after WWII. Playing an increasing role in Israel as a humanist and rights activist, he published Jewish History, Jewish Religion – the Weight of Three Thousand Years in 1994 with a foreward from Gore Vidal. The book was reissued in 1997 and in 2002 and 2008 after Shahak’s unexpected death in June 2001, shortly before 9-11.

In Jewish History, Jewish Relgion, Shahak asks whether, as described in the book promotion, “the secular state of Israel has been shaped by religious orthodoxies of an invidious and potentially lethal nature. Drawing on the Talmud and rabbinical laws, Shahak argues that the roots of Jewish chauvinism and religious fanaticism must be understood before it is too late.”

The challenge before us is whether we can maintain the rule of law as a society – whether domestically in our individual countries as well as globally. If anything stands in the way of doing that it is the privilege nurtured by numerous cultures and societies to compromise the sovereignty of others. Consequently the history and questions Shahak raises are of the utmost importance to our present age.

I was once at an investment conference in London listening to a speaker discuss the US national security risks and their impact on investment. He quoted a former FBI director saying that Israel posed the single greatest risk to US security. That risk is now significantly greater given what appears to be the growing committment to the Ziocons by the current US administration.

Ever notice that in in the United States the immediate result of Presidential impeachments is a significant increase in money disappearing and the drums of war?

Someone is trying to start WW III. Reading Shahak will inform your thinking on this topic and what we might do to prevent it. In my opinion, step one is to outlaw dual passport citizens from holding positions in the US Congress or Administration. Step two, until we do, all dual passport citizens should be recused from discussions or votes that benefit the country of their other passport(s).

As to the responsible dispora in Beverly Hills and on Wall Street, my question is why the children of the Southern States should die so that you can own and control the private equity on the Silk Road? Seems like a bad trade to me.

Israel Shahak is this week’s Hero of the Week – a brave and brilliant man.

Related Reading

Israel Shahak on Wikipedia

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