Blast from the Past: Week of Jan. 10, 2022: The Global Harvest and What It Means to Investors

brigitte mouchet
January 8, 2022

Global Harvest was the theme for our 2016 Annual Wrap Up. Our focus then was on the shift from a world where food prices in the G7 nations were relatively stable to one in which food prices were likely to rise significantly. As prices rose, the geopolitics of being a food exporter vs. importer would become an increasingly important part of global power.

Today, as central banks continue implementing explosive monetary policy, food prices are increasing. Not surprisingly, we are also witnessing an attempt to transition from a system based on natural foods to a synthetic lab-made food system, with “climate change” given as one of the rationales. This is clearly “food for thought” for all of us if we want to live in a human culture and be healthy.

Reviewing our 2016 analysis will help you put current events in context.

Related Solari Reports:

2016 Annual Wrap Up

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