Blast from the Past: Week of July 18, 2022: Planning Tools for Health Care Emergencies

Ulrike Granogger
July 19, 2022

Defending family wealth and sovereignty (as will be discussed in our upcoming Solari Report with Franklin Sanders) also includes planning for emergencies.

Forms are a great planning tool to help families do due diligence and make sure that the family is protected from bankruptcy should one of its members come under an emergency due to ill-informed health care decisions.

Our Family Financial Disclosure Form and other Covid-19 forms were inspired by the Five Wishes: Planning for Advanced Care forms.

Additional background is provided by our Blast from the Past recommendations this week explaining everything about health care proxies and directives with Jo Kline Cebuhar:

Managing End-of-Life with Jo Kline Cebuhar

Jo Kline Cebuhar on Health Care Proxies

Health Care Directives with Jo Kline Cebuhar

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