Added: Introduction by Catherine and Rob Kirby on Derivatives - 2020 Annual Wrap Up - The Going Direct Reset

Darlene Heckman
March 18, 2021

“Interest rates didn’t 'fall,' they were 'THROWN OFF A BUILDING.'” ~ Rob Kirby, “Derivatives – A Look Back on 2020”

By Catherine Austin Fitts

We have just added my introduction to the 2020 Annual Wrap Up on The Going Direct Reset. I also want to remind you that we have included Rob Kirby’s piece on derivatives – a critical aspect of what is happening.

This Solari Report, with a theme presentation by John Titus, is one of the most important reports of modern financial history yet written. What occurred since March 2020 is a monetary event. Understanding that fact is essential to understand the world in which you and I live and what will happen next — this year and for many years to come.

Web Presentation

Our Wrap Up web presentation is a work in progress that grows as we publish our segments and the various sections. Solari Report subscribers can access it at 2020 Annual Wrap Up The Going Direct Reset.

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